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项目名称/Project :Eatsy—面向工作场所的食物预订产品服务系统
项目地区/Project area:英国伦敦 London

用户调研/User research:ThinkDow—李欣茵
平面设计/Graphic Design:ThinkDow—赖剑聪、李欣茵
UI设计/UI Design:ThinkDow—赖剑聪
UX设计/UX Design:ThinkDow—赖剑聪
产品设计/Product Design:ThinkDow—罗国津

设计说明/Design Description:
Employees at small companies have been lacking a healthy and convenient workplace meal solution. Most small companies don't have the space or budget to set up an employee cafeteria like larger companies. Even when a cafeteria is established, financial and staffing constraints often prevent the provision of diverse food options. Meanwhile, eating at a nearby restaurant or ordering takeout for lunch often comes with high costs or long wait times. Some employees solve the lunch problem by bringing their own meals, but this often consumes too much of their time and lacks freshness. Others buy convenience meals or microwaveable lunches at the supermarket, or buy lunches at the market, but the nutritional value of these foods is often unbalanced.
The project is based on a service design system in the UK, a new model for healthier and more convenient dining in the workplace. Users can order healthy meals for the week through an app the company has signed with lunch providers. The meals are then prepared by the central kitchen and delivered to the small business's condensed lunch cabinets for pickup and heating.

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