Fool's Tool
This was a personal drawing I made two years ago, in 2021, when I was a senior in high school. This was a sketch idea for a tattoo, but when I revisited the sketch idea, I realized it could be improved on. So I made a redesign this year, 2023, with the new skills I learned. Even making mock-ups to see how the design looks on products/materials.

The fool's tool design was done with traditional art supplies such as pencils, markers, and water color. The redesign was taken to Photoshop and redone with a blend brush and a paint brush.

The fool's tool was created for my art class in high school in 2021.
This fool's tool design from 2021 was created in my high school art class as a response to a tattoo prompt. I went with a sword with a clown/fool hat and flams behind it. I attempted to blend some of the water colors together at the time, but it did not turn out very well, so I made the decision to fix that in my redesign.
This is the fool's tool (2023) redesign. I was able to improve the cleaning and blending of the design using Photoshop's blended brush and paint brush.
This is a mock-up of the design on a sketchbook.
This is a mock-up of a woman wearing the design on a crop top.
Fool's Tool

Fool's Tool
