Joel Meshak's profile

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect
The butterfly effect is a concept in chaos theory suggesting that small changes can lead to significant consequences in complex systems. It implies that a small event, like a butterfly flapping its wings, could potentially cause a chain reaction leading to larger, even unpredictable, outcomes elsewhere.

Your decision to read this project file at this very moment could lead to a myriad of different alternative destinies...or not :D
I was inspired by the movie "The Butterfly Effect" which explores the idea of how small changes can have significant consequences. It follows a man who discovers he can travel back in time and alter events from his past, only to realize that even minor changes can drastically affect his present and the lives of those around him.
The Process
Using generative art tools like p5.js allowed me to illustrate this concept. I made a moving landscape with perlin noise and used contrasting colours that felt really fitting.
The Outcome
The Butterfly Effect


The Butterfly Effect
