Draco McDaniel's profile

Semester Portfolio

Photobook (Indesign)
This was my photobook I turned in at the end. I used the edited images to make the book in Indesign. I'm pretty proud of my myself for how it turned out.
Lightroom Edits (Photography, Lightroom)
I edited some photos in Lightroom to make them look unique. Half of these photos are original, and the other half are modified. I like the modified ones a lot more. They have more personality.
Inktober Zine (Drawing, Indesign)
This was my inktober zine. I made the drawings on paper, transformed them into images, and put them into a book using Indesign. I'm proud for doing this assignment.
Chibi Mascot (Illustrator)
This was my chibi character. This was supposed to use stroke thickness, but I didn't really think about that. Nonetheless, I think she looks adorable. She would be good as a plushie.
Stroke Tools (Illustrator)
I learned how to edit strokes with these pictures. I learned how to change stroke width and have multiple strokes. I don't think I'll really be using these all that much.
Texture Pack Sheet (Illustrator)
This was my texture pack sheet. I modified textures to turn them into shapes I could use for clipping masks. I think they look pretty neat.
Logo (Illustrator)
These were my logos. They're just game controllers, but that's not a bad thing. Sometimes, simplicity is a good thing.
Fun Friday Projects (Illustrator)
These were the patterns I made for Fun Friday. I basically just copied one square and changed the colors so that they were the same diagonally. Both of them look very nice.
Pattern and Product Mockups (Illustrator, Photoshop)
These are my patterns and product mockups. I made the patterns in Illustrator, then edited the products in Photoshop. I think I did a good job.
Freeform Gradient (Illustrator)
This was my freeform gradient. I tried to make it look 3D, but it didn't turn out too well. You can still see what I was trying to do.
Texture Font (Illustrator)
This is my text modification assignment. I used several tools to make each letter. They all look different from each other. My favorites are the U, the E on the right, and the R.
Pucker and Bloat Stars (Illustrator)
This was the first pattern I made. I used the pucker and bloat tools to make the stars, and then I used the transform tool to copy stars in perfect alignment.
Rhythm Lines (Illustrator)
This assignment used lines to create rhythm. This was my second assignment, so it's not the best. It looks like a bland synthwave field.
Self Portrait Animal (Photoshop)
This was my first project. It involved making a drawing of my favorite animal with my favorite food and hobby, as well as overlaying it on a bunch of images. I used a shadow on the cat to make it stand out. I think it turned out okay. It could've been better, but for a first assignment, it's not bad.
Semester Portfolio