I first started this project while searching for a trend or a social pattern that was happening in our times After a long research process, I read an interesting article that was kind of strange: it was about turning your body into a diamond when your death comes.
I started researching the options we have after we die.  I found a lot of articles that offered the following options:
-Become an organ donor.
-Donate your body for scientific research.
-Bury your body.
-Cremate your body.
-Turn your body into a diamond.
-Turn it into pencil.
Turn it into vinyl record.
Turn it into a gun. (why?!!)
Half of these options are some of the most common things that we do.  The other half? Not so much, but nevertheless they are interesting to analyze: why people want to do these obscure things? After analyzing both perspectives together, I finally understood the main reason. You want to leave your footprint on this planet, but at the same time you want it to be useful.
Throughout our whole life, in any culture there is something in common with the education we receive, we learn the meaning of “utility” this is because we born with certain destiny that we have to achieve even if we don’t know which is it, but if we didn’t had any certain destiny or function which will be the meaning of living?
We are born, we grow up, we reproduce and then we die. This is the first cycle that we are aware of since we are kids, but as we know there are a lot of situations in between where we find ourselves in this concept of “being a useful person in each situation we are in”, but... could we be useful when our death come?
Thread explains the last stage of the first cycle we learn using textiles and how this last phase that we fear so much about can become something so natural and beautiful, being useful even if we are death by making fertile the land on which we die.
First, I found all these images of bodies mutating into things or objects of nature but they were really dark and it wasn’t the feeling that I wished to convey with this project.  Specially, I wanted to convey the idea of death in a delicate manner as if I were telling a story for kids, so I start searching for this mutations that happened in a soft and delicate way, changing colors and textures in order to transmit this feeling.
Original textiles collection


Original textiles collection


Creative Fields