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Project Tenshi | Rebranding

The most precious thing cannot be seen or heard, but must be felt with heart.

"Tenshi" holds a beautiful meaning in Japanese — it means "Angel”. Here, it embodies the image of children with infectious smiles and genuine innocence. However, not every one of them has a complete family or the childhood they yearning for. 

In response to this heartfelt realization, a volunteer project of 11 "guardians" have been brought to life, forging a collaboration to birth "Project Tenshi.” With an aim to not just spreading happiness and warmth, but also sharing vital knowledge and life lessons with children in orphanage. It's a tale of humanity reaching out to make a meaningful impact on innocent hearts.


An angel's wing
Innocence and purity: The image of an angel's wing embodies the innocent childhood that Project Tenshi strives to protect and nurture.

Transformation and growth: Like a wing that helps a bird take flight, with the aim to support the children's journey towards fulfilling their potential.

Visual Design

A harmonious blend of bright colors and vibrant elements, reflecting the delicate balance between the children's innocence and their hidden potential to fly. Aim for a light, hopeful visual language that conveys the transformative impact of Project Tenshi.

Though the final curtain has fallen on Project Tenshi, its melody lingers, a vibrant note in the symphony of humanitarian journey. An echo of laughter, a whisper of wisdom, it lives on in memories etched in hearts. Each shared moment, a brushstroke of light, continues to illuminate the path forward, a testament to the transformative power of love and dedication.

Special thanks to Project Tenshi

Brand Designer: Lynn Tran

Work with me:

Your appreciation is greatly appreciated!

Project Tenshi | Rebranding


Project Tenshi | Rebranding
