Typically described as, typical, Joe thought he’d seen it all after the Greater Depression hit in 2014. Growing up he found solace in small town life… making a career for himself in the Public Works Department and coaching little league on the weekends. After the infection broke out everything changed, and Joe’s midlife crisis consisted of one thing: KILLIN’ ZOMBIES. As a creature of habit, bashing brains has become part of his daily routine, following his morning cup of coffee and powdered donuts.
Ted was eight months into his internship at Mercy Hospital when the virus broke out.. C.D.C. lockdown went into effect about a week after Patient Zero entered Mass General, but by the time the briefing reached him in Philadelphia the infection had already set in. Immune from the virus, Ted went underground when the city was overrun, eventually finding refuge in an abandoned barber shop where he set up a small private practice. With little hope for a cure, Ted spends his days patching-up survivors, and putting-down those who turn. 
Aubrey was raised a  child of privilege, the youngest of three and the only daughter, she took advantage of everything being "Daddy's little girl" had to offer. Growing up, she spent nearly every Saturday morning  on the tennis courts at the local country club, perfecting her back-hand returns. Now that the world has ended, Aubrey gets all the practice she needs serving-off the heads of the former grounds keepers.
Nathan was a good kid growing up,  always doing as he was told. His father taught him the value of an honest days work, and to take pride in his lumberjack roots. After high school he followed in his fathers footsteps, joining the family business  of cutting timber. As the zombie horde overtook Nathan's small town, he applied his trade like never before... Turns out, zombies topple over much like mighty redwoods.
As smooth and savvy as they come, Harvey’s coworkers used to say he could talk a starving hobo out of his last can of beans. A high school dropout, Harvey found small time maintenance work at a local auto lot, but once the owner discovered his silver tongue he quickly moved up the ranks, becoming head of sales within a year. When the dollar collapsed, Harvey began bartering his fixers to survivors fleeing the city, trading them lemons for family heirlooms.
Chase has spent the better part of his life off in the woods stalking big game, passing time between hunting seasons by shootin' vermin from the comfort of his porch. There was nothing he couldn't hit with his trusty .270... one time he even picked off a fish in a barrel, just to prove a point. When the infection broke out Chase was in his element, cept it a little different when your prey is hunting you.
James was only three weeks old when his mother dropped him on the steps of the local firehouse as she skipped town. He grew up fast and hard, a child of the system, till his 18th birthday when he walked out the door and straight into the police academy. Graduating at the top of his class, James was drafted into the narcotics division of the 34th precinct in Boston. He was undercover when the virus broke out... returning to the 34th only to find it bloody and overrun. Gathering all the  ammo and disco-blow he could carry, James went to work purging the streets of staggerers.... kickin' ass and takin' brains.
Graduating Salutatorian of her high school class, Stephanie was best know for her intellect and her severe bubblegum addiction. The innocent charmer, she had a way with parents, setting up an extensive babysitting network between local neighborhoods large enough to half her tuition bill over the summer months. As the infection spread, Stephanie treated the dead-rising like she treated her misbehaved five-year-olds: putting them to bed, without dinner.
As a man of the cloth, Anthony led a devout life in pursuit of spiritual and personal enlightenment. He ran a small monastery buried within the White Mountains of New Hampshire, spending much of his time toiling in his garden in between reading scripture and prayer. Anthony had spent over a year in silence when judgement day came.... He opened his doors, offering safe-haven to the survivors, and to the walking-damned providing a reckoning of his own. As a shepherd of the lord Anthony continues to tend to his flock, though nowadays theres no shortage of fresh compost for his gardens.
A high school dropout turned repeat misdemeanor offender, Danny was a poor excuse for a petty criminal. Reckless and impulsive, Danny often went around humming classic disco hits, earning him his timeless nickname and rendering him unfortunately easy to identify in a lineup. He was just picked up on his 14th shoplifting charge when his police escort was overtaken by an undead horde. Free again, but without his Ritalin prescription, “Disco”  went on a spontaneous crime spree….. breaking into museums and houses, taking everything that wasn’t bolted down, and stayin’ alive.
Percival’s mother had neglected the cruelty of other children when she named her new born son… Perry didn’t have the best experience growing up, constantly being bullied picked on and teased.  When he joined the United States Postal Service in 2008, he finally found a sense of belonging and purpose  he longed for his entire life. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor apocalypse would keep him from his obligation. Perry maintains his route six days a week; going postal on any-zombie that tries to get in his way.
A child of the new age, Rose found sanctuary from the horrors of 21st century life within her body and her mind. An avid dancer, she found work as a nutrition specialist straight out of college, teaching classes around Boston on health and mental wellness. After the infected overtook the city, Rose escaped to the countryside, preferring evasion to confrontation. She spends her days reading and practicing yoga, staying limber, and showing the dead the 9mm path to peace of mind.
Elliot had more money than he new what to do with. With a six figure monthly salary, he led a life of Italian suits, fast cars and Cuban cigars. He was only 32 when the market collapsed, but with enough dough to last four lifetimes, Elliot decided to retire early. When the world ended, Elliot saw it as a great opportunity to work on his drives... foreclosing on the undead, with a Midas touch.
A local bully made Jesse's childhood a living hell, until he hit 6'4" in the ninth grade, at which point he gladly returned the favor. With a personality to match his size, Jesse had no trouble finding work fit for a Titan. He settled in as a bar-back/late night bouncer at the Bell in Hand, that was until the world went to hell. Nowadays, Jesse guards the entrance to a safehouse in Concord... bouncing dead-walkers who aren't on a list.
Lana had her diving certificate before most kids had their license. A Hawaiian native, she has spent the majority of her life under water, helping her father run a small island-tourism outfit. A marine biologist, she returned from three months at sea only to find that the mainland had been infested with the dead. Looking for adventure, she took to the coast, shuttling survivors along the western waterways to safety. When many ran for their lives, Lana fought back... but then again, after free diving with tiger sharks, killin' zombies is like shooting brain-dead fish in a barrel.
Blade enthusiast and jack of all trades, Norm made a living as the best handyman $64 an hour could buy. Slightly off his rocker, local scuttlebutt claimed that he was an ex-inteligence agent, dishonorably discharged after attempting to lift top-secret files from the Pentagon. He spent most of his time in his basement workshop, sharpening steel and experimenting with new hybrid fabrics to rival kevlar. Following the viral fallout, Norm used the undead hordes to test his homemade armor... proving that end of days or not, there is nothing mightier than the sword.
Master Chief Ken Brawls, First Artillery Class 3 (as he called himself) was already an accomplished serial killer even before the apocalypse began. As a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, Ken believed that mankind was at war with mannequins... a war we were loosing, and had been for some time. He had been locked up in Bellevue awaiting trial, charged with with the first degree murder of three Old Navy department store workers. He escaped after the hospital personnel was evacuated. Mistaking the undead for mannequin hordes... he returned to his God given mission: Kill all plastics, especially the ones who have learned how to act human.
Lexxi grew up trapped in the wrong decade. Rumored to be the illegitimate child of CC Deville, she grew up in the foster care system, spending her nights immersed in the Sunset Strip underground. From tour buses to green room, Lexxi lived life fast and hard. To her, the end of the world was just another endless night, followed by another endless day.... just livin' the life: sex, drugs, and zombies.


Everyday life for people living through a zombie apocalypse.
