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Meaning of Meydan

Meaning of Meydan in Turkish
Other than its spatial meaning, meydan has several other connotations in Turkish. The term "meydan" can be translated as, opportunity (meydan bırakmak), to suggest, bring up(meydana atmak), to make public, to expose(meydana çıkarmak), to appear or to emerge (meydana çıkmak), to be accomplished (meydana gelmek), to achieve (meydana getirmek), to create (meydana koymak) and so on. Briefly in the etymology of the word of meydan, it suggests 'publicity'.
Meydan means "open space," "public square," and "open square" when used as a place name. However, unlike the western term for square, meydan is not usually used to refer to a planned urban area.
Meaning of Meydan

Meaning of Meydan
