
Masara© — Streetwear
Express yourself, embrace the streets.

Masara is an Indian streetwear brand that seamlessly blends the essence of street culture with a wider audience in mind. It is rooted in India's rich heritage, embraces the fusion of traditional aesthetics and contemporary street style. They are not just a brand but a movement, catering to a global audience with their unique approach to streetwear.

They offer a fresh perspective for those new to streetwear and those who prefer a more understated, semi-streetwear style. Their ethos, "Express yourself, embrace the streets," encourages exploration and personal expression in fashion. With Masara©, customers join a revolution where every garment is a statement of Indian culture intertwined with global fashion trends.

Project Scope: Visual Identity & Motion Design
Creative Direction: Prateek Sharma
Motion Graphics: Siddique Bukhari
Duration: December 2022 — May 2023

Brand Logo
The Distinctive Essence of Masara©

Masara©'s logo is a custom-crafted wordmark, imbued with a unique and distinctive style. Central to this design is the brand's name — MASARA, where the letter "A" stands out as the primary element, defining as a base of the brand's visual identity. This unique design of the "A" is so pivotal that it's extracted and used as a recurring motif across the brand's identity.

Intriguingly, as the wordmark features the letter "A" thrice, the logo icon becomes a creative repetition of this element. The three "A"s are designed to rotate towards each other, forming a cohesive and unique icon that symbolizes the brand. This distinctive element is not only a part of the logo but is consistently used across various branding materials, creating a strong and recognizable brand presence.

This consistent use of the brand element is evident in Masara©'s further branding showcase, reinforcing the brand's identity throughout its visual representations.

Brand Colors
A Palette of Tradition and Modernity.

Masara©'s color palette is meticulously selected to embody its vibrant streetwear essence, with a blend of primary, secondary, and accent shades. The primary colors include Crimson, a bold and energetic red symbolizing the brand's daring spirit, and Jazzberry Maroon, adding a sophisticated touch reflecting Indian heritage.

The secondary colors, essential Black and crisp White, provide powerful contrast and balance, emphasizing the brand's urban appeal. An Accent color, Peach, introduces a subtle and modern flair, highlighting key design elements. Together, these colors blend traditional and contemporary influences, forging a distinctive and memorable identity for Masara©.

Brand Typography
Distinctive Wordmark Reflecting Unity and Originality.

For Masara©, The choice of Articulat CF, a sans serif typeface, aligns well with its modern streetwear identity. Its clean and contemporary look complements the brand's aesthetic, ensuring readability and style across various applications. This typeface choice contributes to the brand's cohesive and stylish presentation.

Motion Design
Showcasing the brand through dynamic Motion Design.

Masara©'s logo animation smoothly transitions between the wordmark and icon, creating a dynamic visual experience that embodies the brand's essence. Uniform in-out animations for headings, subheadings, and captions provide a cohesive visual language across different scales, reinforcing brand consistency.

The constant anti-clockwise rotation of the icon is strategically designed to leave a lasting impression on the viewer's subconscious mind, enhancing memorability. Consistent easing throughout the project maintains a seamless and polished motion design, contributing to Masara©'s unified visual identity.

Problem Statement
Identity Conveyance and Brand Messaging.

The core problem of Masara© lies in the lack of its cohesive visual identity, impacting its ability to effectively convey its brand message and stand out in the competitive fashion market. This challenge hinders its connection with the target audience and differentiation from competitors, affecting its brand recognition. Addressing these branding gaps is crucial for Masara© to establish a strong, unique presence in the dynamic world of streetwear fashion.

Branding Solution
Establishing a Potent Visual Identity for Masara©

The solution for Masara© centers on crafting a distinct visual identity that aligns with its core values: creativity, individuality, and urban culture. This involves integrating design elements that embody street culture, aiming to forge a resolute brand impression that resonates with the intended audience. This strategic approach will enable Masara© to effectively communicate its unique identity and establish a strong presence in the streetwear fashion landscape.


Project Made For


Masara© is an Indian streetwear brand that caters to both hardcore and general streetwear enthusiasts. The visual identity project for Masara© fo Read More
