Minus Zero, a Bengaluru-based autonomous driving start-up, has unveiled the zPod, India’s first autonomous vehicle.
The zPod showcases self-driving tech developed by the artificial intelligence (AI) firm. Minus Zero is a tech firm that will provide its autonomous driving tech to other manufacturers to help improve their ADAS suite.

We started with discussions and research for the unique selling points of the autonomous vehicle. This understanding formed the foundation for all subsequent design decisions.
Creating the brand identity for the zPod was a pivotal task. The challenge was to encapsulate the essence of autonomy, innovation, and sustainability. Iterative brainstorming sessions led to the development of a sleek and futuristic logo that symbolized the advanced technology within the vehicle. The color palette was chosen to evoke a sense of trust, reliability, and environmental consciousness.
With the brand identity established, the next step was to bring the zPod to life through 3D visualization. This involved creating detailed models of the vehicle from various angles, highlighting its design features, and showcasing its autonomous capabilities. Challenges included ensuring photorealism and conveying the vehicle's cutting-edge technology through visuals. Collaboration with automotive engineers and designers was crucial to accurately represent the zPod's form and functionality.
We crafted a modern, sleek Thunderclap logo, featuring a bold, electrifying thunderbolt symbolizing innovation and impact. The chosen color palette balances the bold and over the logo design with calming tones of green, evoking dynamism and creativity, while a subtle greenish dark tones grounded the brand in professionalism.
With the brand identity established, the next step was to bring the zPod to life through 3D visualization. This involved creating detailed models of the vehicle from various angles, highlighting its design features, and showcasing its autonomous capabilities. Challenges included ensuring photorealism and conveying the vehicle's cutting-edge technology through visuals. Collaboration with automotive engineers and designers was crucial to accurately represent the zPod's form and functionality.
With the brand identity established, the next step was to bring the zPod to life through 3D visualization. This involved creating detailed models of the vehicle from various angles, highlighting its design features, and showcasing its autonomous capabilities. Challenges included ensuring photorealism and conveying the vehicle's cutting-edge technology through visuals. Collaboration with automotive engineers and designers was crucial to accurately represent the zPod's form and functionality.
Crafting the zPod's online presence required a user-centric approach. The website had to serve as an informative hub while maintaining an engaging user experience. Challenges included designing an intuitive interface for users to explore the vehicle's features, book test drives, and access technical specifications. Responsive design was essential for seamless navigation across different devices.
Creating a buzz around the zPod demanded a strategic approach to social media. The challenge was to communicate key features concisely, foster engagement, and generate excitement. Regular collaboration with the marketing team ensured that social media designs aligned with promotional campaigns and maintained consistency with the overall brand identity.


