Aaliyah Matthews's profile

Final Outcome Drafts

Making Outcomes
Draft 1:
'Wheres Home?' needs to change to 'Where's Home?'
I either need to change the orientation of the image to be on the opposite side or add another double page blank spread before this image if i want to make a hard back cover or a different textured cover. This is because the image will be printed on the same page and will therefore be on a different paper type.
I didn't like how i started with the found imagery in the photobook, as i made them really small so you cant see all the detail within. I also changed them to black and white to keep the same tone throughout the entire book however, this juxtaposed my original plan of keeping those found images as authentic as possible.
These two images, became some of my favourite spreads in the book as i made them more independent by zooming into key detail in the images. For example, the image on the left of my Uncle Darren laying on his back, I zoomed in so you could even see the old cigarettes burned out under the fire place with the ashtray to the side, displaying how my Grandad was a heavy smoker.
Final Draft:
I changed the front cover to one of the photos i took during the shoot. I did this because i felt more of a connection to it. It explores that childish nostalgia of writing on the walls when my sister, my cousins and me did at that age. I think it adds a nice touch that anybody who picks up the book can relate to.
I decided this should also be in black and white to lead curiosity to the overall book itself.
This was a highly praised imaged in the book, having no criticism from outside viewer. Due to this, i made sure not to change it too much however, i added a slight yellow hue over the top to make it feel more lively and fluent to the found imagery to make the flow better and less choppy.
After reshooting the image of the ladders on the right, i also added the same yellow hue to the images in photoshop photo editor. 
I also made sure to include my Nan and Grandads cat (Scampy) into the book as he was my Grandads right hand man. He would always be either sitting on his shoulders or following him around the house. To me i think its always nice to consider how pets feel in these scenarios as they are not always the first thought when it comes to there grief to a human or others.
Final Outcome Drafts

Final Outcome Drafts


Creative Fields