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Each of us experiences the time of change in his own way, but there is a concentration on himself. Thus, it is as if we are lowering the curtain between ourselves and a society where it is difficult and scary to trust someone. After all, everyone is wearing such masks and no one knows the true face.
Folding our arms, we stare into the darkness in anticipation of the unknown. Our thoughts are confused: confidence and aspirations are confused with anxiety and sticky fear.
We live in a time of timelessness, where goals are conditional, but the path continues. No one can lead us astray, because we don't know where we're going.

The state of uncertainty is a concept of the modern world, where each of us is subject to the appearance of unpredictable events that break people's plans and destinies. It has become more difficult to set goals, because due to external circumstances they overlap. In such a picture of the world, the best and healthiest way of perception will be the motto: A samurai has no goal, only a path. 
It is not the goal that determines life, but the movement – go your own way. Give up the ladder of achievements – achieve steadily without jumps and punches in the gut.

Always take a break, find yourself a friend you can lean on.
And remember: No matter how hard it seems now, your sun will rise anyway and everything you want will become a reality.
Waiting is about the ability to see the world and yourself, about reducing tension and transferring part of your responsibility to time and fate. Learn to wait and then new emotions appear in your life: awe, hope, jubilation, perhaps longing and disappointment. You will learn to contemplate and see the possibilities and many ways to develop your contemplative attitude to life.
Waiting is an opportunity to contemplate and make the right decisions not in the moment, but over time. 

The ability to wait is what will save us from self–destruction.
The Gorgon Medusa is known to everyone as a negative character in Greek mythology, who turned everyone looking into stone, and her appearance caused awe and fear. Why not revisit this character from a different perspective? 

While studying myths on this topic, it turned out that before the transformation, Medusa was a desirable companion among men, that even the gods were worried about her beauty. Because of this, by the way, Athena cursed her: Medusa wanted to escape from a rapist in her temple, and she considered it an insult. Or maybe jealousy?
Tranquility, peace and serenity are the feelings that everyone experiences in the Kingdom of Morpheus. The deity transports our souls to the other world every evening so that we can feel the softness of the divine ether, in which all worldly worries dissolve.
Contact me via links below if you want to oder my paintings or design (I'm looking for a design portfolio)
Be happy ❤️
Art Portfolio

Art Portfolio
