Welcome to my first Hackathon project of this spring semester called CD-Lier! This is a unique design of a chandelier made with hand-cut CDs that were cut into the different phases of the moon. Waning and Waxing Crescent and the half-moon.  
The materials I used for this project are acrylic for the base, plastic string, silver wire string, CDs, a whole puncher (leather one that a classmate so kindly let me borrow that worked wonderfully for emergency), super glue, and scissors. I used the laser cutter to help me cut the holes where the string would be tied at. During the making of this project, I encountered many difficulties than I had anticipated. First was my acrylic bending broke, so I had to completely change my base. Then I did not have a way to punch holes thru the discs thinking that the lab had a hand hole puncher. But a classmate kindly let me borrow one of his personal tools to help me make the holes. Tying the string to the base and onto each disc was also very hard. My hands ended up sore because of it! 
Overall, this project was really fun to make and helped me learn that things can get much harder than what I had originally anticipated. 

I plan on making a part 2 of this project, as the whole reason I made this chandelier was to make it into an RTC LED lamp that turns on as the sun rises. I am hoping to do this for my next Hackathon.

Below you will find a video of how this chandelier looks like and look out for part 2 of this project!!
CD-Lier (part 1)

CD-Lier (part 1)


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