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Calm Rent - Branding

For landlords who are facing the hassle of renting out their apartments, Calm Rent is the tenant they’ve always dreamed of. Operating in and around Munich, Germany, Calm Rent is a letting agency to which landlords can rent out their apartments and focus on doing the important things in their lives.

In the complex world of real estate, Calm Rent emerges as more than just a service provider—it's a personalized solution born from a meticulous journey of exploration and understanding. The Branding Process began with a deep dive into the lives of individuals seeking a stress-free way to secure their family's future through real estate.

Calm Rent - Positioning:

Tailored for Real Lives:

It all started with an empathetic approach. Through Customer Analysis, we unraveled the unique goals, desires, and pain points of Calm Rent customers. Calm Rent is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it's a finely tuned brand that calibrates to the rhythms of real lives.

Crafting Solutions, Not Just Services:

By understanding the geographics, demographics, and detailed customer personas, Calm Rent positions itself as a guiding companion, bridging the gap between landlords and tenants on their renting journey, and allowing landlords to rent out their apartments seamlessly without any hassle. With that said, Calm Rent is not merely meeting goals; it's crafting experiences that resonate with the unique essence of its customers.

Calm Rent - Personality:

Calm, Stressless, and Reliable

As we moved into the heart of Calm Rent, its brand personality unfolded. Crafted from the Unique Value Proposition identified in the Brand Positioning, Calm Rent embodies attributes such as Peace of Mind, Care, and Calmness. Its personality radiates traits of assurance, reliability, and security.

A Serenity of Attributes and Traits:

Calm Rent's Brand Personality is not just a collection of words; it's a serenity of attributes and traits that assure its users, provide reliable support, and spread genuine care. The brand tone of voice mirrors the essence of tranquility, simplicity, and calmness.

Calm Rent - Naming:

Choosing a brand name is a subtle journey that involves precision and purpose. For Calm Rent, the selection process adhered to six crucial criteria:

1. Appropriate: Derived from the core of Calm Rent's Brand Positioning and Personality, it is more than just a name; it's a representation of the commitment to offering a soothing and hassle-free experience for landlords and tenants alike, fostering a sense of security and tranquility in the often complex world of real estate.

2. Distinctive: In a sea of competitors, standing out is paramount. "Calm Rent" was chosen to be distinctive, setting it apart in the competitive real estate landscape. It's a name that captures attention and promises a unique solution.

3. Brief: A name should be concise, leaving a lasting impression without overwhelming. Calm Rent hits the perfect balance—short, memorable, and effortlessly conveying the essence of calmness in renting.

4. Easy To Spell: Simplicity is key. Calm Rent is not just easy to remember; it's easy to spell. It ensures accessibility, making it effortless for users to find and engage with the brand.

5. Extendable (Have Legs): A great name should have room for growth and adaptability. Calm Rent's versatility allows it to extend the brand into various facets of the real estate industry while maintaining a consistent and recognizable identity.

6. Available: Availability across domains, social media, and trademark registrations is vital for a cohesive online presence. Calm Rent was meticulously chosen to be available on .de and .com domains, social media platforms, and as a trademark, securing a consistent brand identity.

All of that ensured that the name embodies the essence of the brand and resonates with the audience.

The result? Calm Rent emerged as the ultimate best choice, encapsulating the spirit of the brand and laying the foundation for a name that resonates with the audience and stands the test of time.

Calm Rent - Logo:

At the heart of the Calm Rent brand lies a meticulously crafted logo, a visual representation of its commitment to providing a stress-free rental experience. By following a thoughtful process, we gave birth to the Calm Rent Logo.

The Signification:

The Calm Rent Logo is a harmonious marriage of two powerful elements—an iconic house placed within the contours of a Reuleaux Square. The Reuleaux Square, with its rounded sides, signifies the essence of calmness and tranquility. Meanwhile, the house icon speaks directly to the core of the Calm Rent mission—renting. This visual harmony captures the equilibrium that Calm Rent aspires to bring into the often complex world of real estate.

The Criteria:

The Calm Rent logo adhered to a set of five crucial criteria. First and foremost, it is Appropriate, as the Reuleaux Square signifies Calmness, and the house icon signifies Rent. Moreover, the design is Distinctive, making it memorable and instantly recognizable. By Embracing Simplicity, the logo features a clean structure and a minimalistic design, ensuring clarity in communication. Additionally, it is undeniably Memorable, forming a visual connection with the brand name. Lastly, the logo is inherently Versatile, seamlessly adapting to diverse applications.

A Visual Symphony:

The Calm Rent Logo isn't just a Graphic Mark; it's a symphony of significations and design principles. It encapsulates the journey of the brand—blending calmness, reliability, and simplicity into a Visual Identity that resonates with its commitment to a stress-free rental experience.

Calm Rent - Typography:

The selection of the right typefaces is a key element in defining the visual language of a brand. In crafting the Calm Rent identity, a meticulous process was undertaken to choose typefaces that seamlessly resonate with our brand's essence.

Primary Typeface - Aven:

In the heartbeat of the Calm Rent Logo beats Aven, a Humanist Sans Serif typeface chosen for its harmonious design characteristics. Aven's warm, human-centric attributes align perfectly with the logo, enriching its significance. The strokes and shapes of Aven not only contribute to legibility but also add a touch of versatility to the visual identity.

Secondary Typeface - Lato:

Complementing Aven is Lato, another Humanist Sans Serif typeface carefully selected for the tagline and diverse applications. While sharing the human-centric warmth, Lato leans slightly towards functionality. This secondary typeface ensures clarity in communication across various touchpoints, from letterheads to brochures.

Together, Aven and Lato form the typographic backbone of Calm Rent, representing a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality. The careful consideration of each typeface reflects the commitment to a brand identity that is not only visually appealing but also purposeful and adaptable.

Calm Rent - Color Palettes:

Behind the serene hues that define the Calm Rent identity, lies a careful process of color selection, intertwining brand personality and strategic differentiation from competitors.

Influence of Brand Personality:

The heartbeat of Calm Rent is echoed in its color palettes, with a primary emphasis on calmness and tranquility. The chosen blue tones radiate a soothing aura, aligning seamlessly with the brand personality. This careful selection extends an invitation to the audience, inviting them into a world of reliability and peaceful rental experiences.

Strategic Differentiation:

In navigating the complex landscape of real estate, strategic decisions become paramount. A closer look at the competitors revealed an opportunity for distinctiveness. The conscious choice of blue, a color less traversed in the Letting Agnecy category, sets Calm Rent apart. It's not just a color; it's a strategic move to carve out a unique space in the market, catching the eye and leaving a lasting impression.

Calm Rent - Imagery:

Reflecting Calmness Through Imagery:

Immerse yourself in the visual representation of Calm Rent, where every carefully chosen image serves as a testament to the brand personality. The Calm Rent - Imagery isn't just about aesthetics; it's a powerful tool emphasizing its commitment to tranquility.

The imagery features individuals who personify the peace of mind that defines Calm Rent. Whether it's families in serene rental spaces or confident landlords managing their properties, each photo encapsulates the calmness that the brand offers.

These visuals seamlessly contribute to the brand narrative, creating a connection through relatable moments of calmness and contentment. It's more than renting; it's about enabling a lifestyle centered around peace of mind.

Every frame communicates the essence of Calm Rent—a promise of tranquility, peace, and a stress-free rental journey.

Calm Rent - Graphics & Styles:

Unlocking a visual symphony that resonates with the essence of Calm Rent, the Graphics & Styles are more than just design elements; they are a visual extension of the Calm Rent Personality. Derived from the distinctive Calm Rent Logo Mark, these graphics serve a crucial role in brand applications, ensuring a seamless and consistent brand experience.

Emphasizing Brand Personality:

Every curve, every line in the Graphics & Styles is a deliberate choice aimed at emphasizing the brand personality. Whether applied to business cards, brochures, or digital platforms, these elements mirror the Calmness and Tranquility that define Calm Rent.

Consistency Across Applications:

Maintaining brand consistency is vital, and the Graphics & Styles play a critical role in achieving this. They act as visual signatures, ensuring that whether a landlord encounters Calm Rent on a website or a tenant holds a business card, the brand experience remains cohesive.

Calm Rent - Tagline:

In the intricate fabric of Branding, the essence lies in simplicity and resonance. The chosen tagline for Calm Rent embodies these principles with grace and impact. "Mach dir keine Sorgen," a phrase that translates to "Don't worry" in English, isn't just a string of words; it's a commitment, a guiding philosophy that forms the beating heart of Calm Rent.

Simplicity in Expression:

Choosing a tagline is an art, and simplicity is the brushstroke that paints a lasting impression. "Mach dir keine Sorgen" briefly captures the core of Calm Rent's essence—offering a haven of Calmness in the complex world of real estate.

Direct and Reassuring:

In a few words, "Mach dir keine Sorgen" communicates a wealth of assurance. It's a direct and reassuring call to action, inviting landlords and tenants alike to experience the peace of mind that Calm Rent brings to the rental journey.

Consistency in Every Expression:

Language has the power to unite, and the tagline does just that. Whether spoken in German or translated to English, the sentiment remains consistent—Calm Rent is here to alleviate worries and redefine the rental experience.

Calm Rent - Collaterals:

Experience the embodiment of Calm Rent's brand identity in this meticulously designed collaterals. From the Social Media Kit to the Business Cards and the Company Profile Brochure, each piece reflects the essence of Calm Rent.

These materials are not just artifacts; they are touchpoints where Calm Rent's commitment to calmness, tranquility, and peace of mind is vividly expressed. Immerse yourself in the world of Calm Rent through these pieces and witness the consistent thread weaving through each element, ensuring a harmonious brand experience across every interaction.

Calm Rent - Branding


Calm Rent - Branding

Calm Rent - Branding For landlords who are facing the hassle of renting out their apartments, Calm Rent is the tenant they’ve always dreamed of. Read More
