River Moore's profile

Installations And Co-Creations

The Sensorium  (2023/24)
Commissioned as part of Tropical fruits BUSH MAGIK nye festival, designed and created by myself with the support of festival volunteers.

Created as a refuge for Neurodivergent folk like myself to retreat to for rest and self/co-regulation and creativity throughout the festival. The space included A portable quiet room (bell tent) with stim toys, drawing and colouring in supplies puzzles and board games, Mushroom garden with shade for lounging and concrete for chalk drawing and Entrance way Arch made from found branches and yarn with extra wool provided for festival goers to yarn bomb.
Muddle Puddle Sculptures (2023) 

Commissioned for muddle puddle cafe and art space these sculptures were created using a variety of found natural objects, treasures and yarn. The rectangular piece serves as a collaborative community artwork to promote connection and play. Customers of all ages are  encouraged to adorn it with  their own made and found treasures. 
I Will Survive (2022)
Creative Flood Recovery workshop series for the northern rivers LGBTQIA+ community. Curated my Paul walker and facilitated by a host of supporting artists who guided creatives including myself through a variety of creative recovery processes, connection and reflection exercises and artistic mediums. The individual and collective creative outcomes were then presented to the public in a multi media/disciplinary showcase.
Creatively directed by me and created in collaboration with other workshop participants this sculptural installation was designed to replicate the piles of debris left by the flood waters. As part of the showcase we partially dismantled the sculptures during an interpretive movement and experimental sound piece about surviving the flood and the process of rebuilding and healing.
Deluge (2022)
Creatively directed, filmed and edited by me featuring Fox Shepherd and Agustin Elaskar this film   featured during the showcase as Projection Art and soundscape for the aforementioned performance.
Installations And Co-Creations

Installations And Co-Creations


Creative Fields