Water Simulation
In this project, the main objective is to perform water simulation in Maya.
Here, the main idea of simulation is to put the iron ball inside the pot, which is filled with water. 
The first step is to set the project in Maya and start creating the base models.
At first, we need to create a base model like a pot and the metal ball for the simulation. After creating the model, we need to start with simulating using the Bifrost simulation. 
To start with water simulation, first we need to create an object which reacts as water inside the pot. After creating an object inside the pot, select the object and go to Bifrost Fluids and add liquid, which makes the object as water inside the pot as shown below. 
Next, after creating the Bifrost liquid, we need to make changes with the liquid properties to make it more realistic like original water like voxel size and density etc.,

After this, to animate the water simulation with the metal ball, we need to set key frames for the metal ball which falls from up to down inside the pot. 
Moving forward, after setting up the base animation for the water simulation, we need to change with the liquid properties for more dense water or like normal flowing water. To make the water more realistic, we need to make adjustments with the Master Voxel Size. 
Finally, we need to simulate the water flow, which looks more realistic like water in pot. 
Water Simulation


Water Simulation
