Hayley Grummitt's profile

Community Group Logo

Logo design with a strong brand-identity

[University Project]

This logo was designed in conjunction with a building project for a local community centre. The centre had very strong ideals and goals, particularly focussed on the environment and the complex relationships between it and the local people. Their branding and sense of identity was however, also very complicated, and outsiders often didn't understand what the company was really about, despite masses of textual information in their publications.
This logo was designed for use in
all forms of media that the centre produces, along with their onsite branding and external advertising. It aims to give a clear visual impression of their identity, and convey a sense of their ideals, without information overload. The three branding keywords, honed from the centre's more detailed philosophies, also give precise starting points for the centre to explain the various aspects of their role within the local area, and better help the community they represent.
Habitat |sense of place | environment | landscape | natural | built
Habit | habitual attitude | custom | tendency | behaviour | lifestyle | a system of dispositions
Us | community | collaboration | education | shared knowledge | society | interaction
Community Group Logo

Community Group Logo

Logo design with a sense of identity


Creative Fields