The Color Studies Assignment challenged me to demonstrate color harmonies using a wide range of hues, tints, shades, and tones. Apply color in designs to communicate effectively. Personalize a source image to create an original work. Students were expected to recolor the shell in four ways using different theories, monochromatic, complimentary, split complementary, and tetradic. 
For this project I chose a seashell, they contain natural contours and colors which seemed perfect for the project. To create contrast, students were advised to play with crop and background. I wanted to stay true to the shape of the shell and chose to mimic the water for a background in each design. 
The first shell completed was monochromatic. I chose the color blue to understand tones, shades and tints. For the background I chose circles to add contrast of the straight lines used to create shadows and highlights in the shell. 
The Second shell completed was tetrad or also known as square. The starting colors were light teal, purple, a burnt orange, and lime green. Because of the variety of colors this shell was the most fun. Trying to balance shades and contrast was difficult, but the end result is very pleasing. 
The third shell completed was split complementary. The colors I chose were orange, dark blue and light blue. By adding white, colors such as purple and teal were available. I kept the background the same throughout each shell adding to the composition but not taking away from the essence of the shell. 
After having more confidence using photoshop to recolor and mimic highlights the complementary shell is my favorite. I chose red and green to create tints of pink and forest green. This shell includes much more detail then the others and communicates harmony and balance.  
All four completed shells.
Color Studies

Color Studies


Creative Fields