Marianna Adkins's profile

Kirin Design & Illustration

A kirin (or qilin) is a mythical creature, often seen in Asian literature and art. It is portrayed in various ways depending on various cultures, from a more deer-like creature, to something unicorn-like, to something more dragon-like, and covered in holy flames. The kirin is associated with sages, is a peace-bringer, and known to punish the wicked for their wrong-doings. Kirins were believed to have perfectly round hooves, and their pure intentions translated into nature, having never bent a blade of grass as it walked along side a sage. A kirin is seen as an ally to humanity, a protector, and their presence is valued heavily. 

My name is Marianna, and I am a graphic designer and illustrator based out of Oklahoma. Currently, I am in school for Graphic Design, and recently ACA Illustrator certified. Kirin Design & Illustration is my personal brand and concept that I have been actively working on. As I was proceeding, looking forward in the direction of my career, I yearned for a personal brand that was uniquely my own.

The source of inspiration as to the name and design stems from many realms in my life. Born into a military family, I was fortunate enough in my life to explore many corners of the country, learning about various regions, cultures, and beyond. My interest in Asian culture and mythology started from my parents, who met in Japan in the 90s. My affinity for Naruto was also a heavy influence in my design inspiration, as the anime got me through some very difficult times in my life. I wanted to pay homage to something so special, as one of my favorite characters from the show summons a lightning-release Kirin from the sky.

The colors of this design were definitely influenced from the Kirin summoned in the anime, as it has a striking blue lightning body and glowing red eyes. I adjusted the red eye color to something more gentle without losing its edge, hence why I went with a more pink-like color. I wanted to maintain the blue color, but also keep a more dragon-like flame head that is depicted in Chinese literature and art, as I am also a Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. Blue flames are often symbolized as protection from a guardian angel, peace, purity, spiritual connection, and strength. Blue flames can represent balance, as it burns with passion but remains grounded and is controlled. 

These are all aspects combined together into one design that gives those a glimpse into my life and who I am personally. I desired deeply for my personal branding to be something authentically my own, and something I take great pride in presenting. There is much more to come from Kirin Design & Illustration moving forward!
Kirin Design & Illustration

Kirin Design & Illustration
