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Kitchen Penalties Ep. 1 - Nonchalant Pawing

Can there be too many toppings to a bowl of instant noodle? This triad of drawings illustrates how the cats would argue with you on that matter—they might disagree on too many toppings, or add another paw to the bowl. Nevertheless, your instant noodle is already out of its packet, so you gotta have to deal with what the cats have left you with.
Nonchalant Pawing

"Biu, don't put your paws on the bowl,"

Biu may have been the most cartoonish of the litter, her expression aloof, unaware of mild inconveniences she may have caused. She would, in all her indifference, step on your face, sit on your foot, and in this case I would imagine, rest her paw on the inside of your bowl. We speculate that she is actually smarter than she looks and does all these things on purpose, knowing you can't do much about it, as she owns you, not the other way around.
Version 1 in pink (left)
Version 2 in velvet (right)
About: Kitchen Penalties

Kitchen Penalties: The Series are prints I designed as complementary cards to a stainless steel cutlery gift set, for a fellow foodie. As a gift accompaniment, the cards illustrate how the cutlery would thrive in his home ecosystem, an environment laden with cats and plenty of instant noodles. In spite of the shocking pink chilis, I would say that the most unrealistic thing portrayed in these drawings are the amount of greens—there is no way he would let that many vegetables "contaminate" his bowl of noods. Here's to keeping him healthy.

A quick shoutout to the instant noodle brands—Samyang, Indomie, Lemonilo. He mostly is a fan of one of the three, has tried only two of the three, but as an instant noodle enthusiast is very much appreciative of all three. More brand shoutouts on the way.
Version 1 (top)
Version 2 (bottom)
Version 1 - issued 25 . 02 . 2024
Version 2 - issued 27 . 02 . 2024
Kitchen Penalties Ep. 1 - Nonchalant Pawing

Kitchen Penalties Ep. 1 - Nonchalant Pawing
