Natashenkalitvin Kurochko's profile

Promo video / SMM / AI Hiring platform

​​​​​​​Client :​​​​​​​
Promo :  AI hiring platform for skill-proved software engineers
[ 3sec ] Visual of a person looking frustrated while filling out a job application form

[ 2sec ] Quick transition to a visual of Job Cannon’s Interface
[ 10 sec ] Show benefits
[ Call to Action ] 

[ 3sec ] Visual of laptop displaying the Job Cannon’s app

[ 2sec ] Job Cannon’s Logo and website link
✨​​​​​​​ Midjourney images for brief visualisations
✨​​​​​​​ [VO] made with Generative Voice AI — Eleven Labs

[VO] Tired of job searches that miss the mark? 

[VO] Aim High with Job Cannon

[VO] Your Career’s Secret Weapon
[VO] Ready to launch your career like a cannonball? ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

[VO] Visit Job Cannon now and hit your dream job.
Style Reference

Storyboard according to client brief
Thanka for watching 👍
Promo video / SMM / AI Hiring platform


Promo video / SMM / AI Hiring platform
