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Book Design | The Myth of Sisyphus

  This project is an e-book design project prepared within the scope of multidisciplinary design course. The subject of the project and the technique to be used will be decided by the student. So I decided to design a book using the monoprinting technique. I used an existing book as a text. I chose a book that I had read before and that I was sure would be suitable for the technique I would use: The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus.
I have done mono printing before, but these were simple works that I did in order to learn more. I did a lot of research on mono printing at the beginning of the process to see how I could improve my work. At the end of my research I found a simple, economical and very effective technique. Thanks to Dan Tirels youtube channel for helping me on this topic.

I tried making it with many materials, but the main material was pieces of plastic bags. In this way, I also took a step towards recycling. I didn't pay anything specifically for this project. I used every kind of material I found. I even used the handle of the coffee I drink during the day as a material.
I used two different colors, black and red, because black looks very striking and red has a stimulating effect. I used it to express the thoughts about suicide that are mentioned in the book and how people feel about it.

Albert Camus's thoughts on suicide affected me a lot and I think it influenced my work. I reflected these thoughts with my own interpretations every week in the studio for almost 3 months. Some of the works are abstract while others include figures and concrete objects. In some works, I tried to evoke dual meanings: Hand and tree, sun and eye, bed and coffin.
I then placed these works where I saw fit in the book. I planned to place at least 2 pictures in each chapter. In the final stage, I made each work separately and then scanned them, made some edits in Photoshop and combined a few works in a suitable way. When we look at the final version, I placed 22 mono print pictures.
On the book cover, instead of Sisyphus carrying the stone in a round form, I wanted to place him inside the stone. I designed it to represent that the stone he carries is actually himself and his own ideas. I thought that when he hits each side of the big hill, he is also in conflict with his own thoughts. In the book, Camus speaks of Sisyphus's solitary toil and constant repetition as a resistance against the meaninglessness of existence.
Final versions of some mono prints I made for the project:
My project was to design an e-book but I also printed the book for the jury. These are some photos from the printed version of the project:
Book Design | The Myth of Sisyphus

Book Design | The Myth of Sisyphus
