Heidi Sammons's profile

final outcome evaluation

My newspaper arrived and I'm very happy with the outcome. I wanted to do a final shoot of the magazine to show how the final piece has turned out. I used natural lighting and a white background for the shoot so that the newspaper was the main part of the images, and the natural lighting was good as in the images everything is very clear. 
Firstly, this is the front cover of the newspaper, I'm very happy with this as all the colours work well together. This image is taken in The Vintage Scene in Leicester, I chose this image for the front cover as I really like the reflection on the mirror and the designs on the wall - it's very creative and makes the background more interesting. My model is also wearing clothing that she has brought from vintage shops - meaning it works really well and shows that my models outfit is vintage, illustrating that the stigma of charity/vintage shops being dated and for an older audience is broken down and shows that anyone can shop there; which is what the newspaper is all about! I chose a quite simplistic font, but it's also a bit different to usual fonts on newspapers, which is what I wanted - for it to be eye-catching. I also used colours that stood out to me in the images for the typography (white, red and pink), which I like and this is a positive about the front cover. 
This is the first double page spread which explains what the newspaper is all about, and why I have chosen to create it. I really like the typography I have created across the double page, as it's very bold and impactful; meaning it stands out to all the readers. I also like the direct dress of the model as it creates an impact and shows the message to the reader.
This double page spread is all about 'The Wardrobe' in Leicester. I chose to do blue and red for the house style on the pages as it matches with the brand identity, logo and merchandise which is visible in the images. I chose to do the typography vertically, as I saw this done in alot of the designers/magazines I researched and I took inspiration from this. I really like the images and believe they are very successful. I chose to do a number of portraits, I even chose to do one in an oval border as to frames the face well, and makes it more impactful; I did this as it specially shows the hat and their product. For the other images I took photos of the shops workers (with permission), I like these images as their very candid looking and think their very effective as it shows the shop in action and the behind the scenes that goes into the shops. I bordered the images in red and blue which I like and continued to do throughout the newspaper. 
These pages are all about The Vintage Scene in Leicester, I chose to do a pink/red theme for these pages as that's the colour of the shop outside so I thought it was ver fitting. For the mast head I chose to do it in a similar font to their shop title, and I also added a light red stroke around it. I added some thin rectangular shapes to frame the images, I like this as it fills the white space, which makes it more interesting. I like the images I took for this shop. I used a range of depth of field; shallow and deep to create the subject of the images - I like these and think they create some successful photos. I also added a picture of the displays to show the actual shop and what it looks like inside so it's more insightful for the reader. 
These pages revolve around the shop COW, this is based on their Manchester and Birmingham shop - I used images from both the stores. I decided to use a florescent yellow colour as it's very bright and makes it stand out a lot against some of the other pages, as COW is a larger chain and is a big part of the vintage scene in the UK. All of these images are of the displays and garments, which I like as it creates a more simplistic feel in the pages. However, it could've even more successful with some portraits and model work. Nevertheless I really like the images and the typography. 
I think this spread is possibly one of the most successful in the whole newspaper, this is because there's a lot going on and there's lots of things to look at. I have incorporated both portraits, displayed and images of the workers. This creates more variety in the pictures compared to some of the other shops. I also like the layout of these pages as well ad the typography. I like the font I've used as it goes with the vintage and retro feel of the shop, and I wanted to show this in the pages. I think the portrait of the worker is very successful as it right in front of the logo and it creates more impact than the candid shots. I added a thicker border around this picture as I believe it's the most important an impactful. I also like the pictures of the mannequins, and I decided to make them parallel to each other and make them the same size to create a triptych, which I like. 
This is a more simplistic page to slightly separate the businesses of all the other pages, and I wanted to break it up slightly and add more white space. Again, there is a range of images, some portraits and displays. I like the images of the clothes as I've created a subject using depth of filed which makes the images a lot of successful. I also really like the images of my model in the mirror as it kind of creates a clear overview of what the shop looks like through the mirror which is cool. I also like the typography, as it'd a bit different to the other fonts I have used.
This is a shop in Manchester which is a kilo store - so it's bit different to the other shops in the newspaper. I like some of the close ups but also overviews as it's nice to look at the shop from different angles and seeing all about the shop, which is important for the reader. 
For the back cover, I wanted it to be very simplistic and to match the front cover (red), as there's some accents of red in the front cover so I wanted them to correlate. I also think red is a very bold colour so it fits the meaning of the newspaper very well. 
Overall, I'm extremely happy with the newspaper, and it turned out like I wanted it to. 
final outcome evaluation

final outcome evaluation


Creative Fields