Riya Pareek's profile

Project 1 (with process)

ARTIST STATEMENT;The‘Protector & Keeper’ of the freshwater:Leaf Ripple
The theme for the 2025 collection suggests the story of the deity Soft shell turtle,whose physical capabilities and powers are as subtle as a leaf ripple floating on the surface of water that could passed by the wind anytime.The same as happened with the deity soft shell turtle who empowers and blesses the formation of natural habitat and its living beings(aquatic animals) by balancing the nature of the ecosystem.However,over the years,the charm and blessings of the deity has been wandering like a lost soul due to other jealousy deities(invasive species),the egotistical nature of human and its harm to not only the state of living beings who needs freshwater(lakes,rivers, or such) has been facing an immersive attack and, which has led deity soft shell turtle to be on the verge of no existence,making him loss all its power and the hope for natural habitats in Carolinian Zone.If this keeps happening,the balance of the aquatic ecosystem which relies of this deity could loss their lives,resulting in poor state of living beings and its ecosystem.This product line which specializes in fashionism and comfortness comes on its own accord while making sure that people,industrial works and government do their best to protect deity soft shell turtle specie from getting endangered and would hope to revive over the years,if possible.
Furthermore,it comes with an opportunity for hyper light sensitivity and people with other disabilities to choose products and differentiate in the product that’s why it’s akin focus is comfortness that comes with the fashion.However,I could’ve done a better choice when it comes to the exploration of color and the enhancement of color palette  which made it hard to make it look visually more appealing as it could be limited and could not be applied to all the products due to the high price which not be affordable in the long run.
Project 1 (with process)


Project 1 (with process)

PROJECT 1: SPINY SOFT SHELL TURTLE Spiny soft shells turtle can be by their flat leathery shells which lack the hard bony plates found in other s Read More


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