Project Brief (From Client):


I hope this message finds you well. We're excited to collaborate with your talented team on a special project: creating customized notebook covers for IIG Design Studio from grade 1 to 8 . As an innovative design studio, we understand the importance of visually appealing and functional stationery items that reflect our brand ethos.

Project Overview:

Objective: Design a unique notebook cover that embodies the spirit of creativity, innovation, and design excellence associated with IIG Design Studio.

Specifications: The notebook cover dimensions should accommodate standard-sized notebooks commonly used in our studio.

Design Elements: Incorporate our logo, brand colors, and any other design elements that capture the essence of our studio's identity.

Style Preferences: We're open to creative interpretations, whether minimalist, abstract, or illustrative, as long as it resonates with our brand aesthetic.
Notebook Cover


Notebook Cover
