Nexus Salaya Church

Project location: Bangkok, Thailand
Year: 2024
Building area: 1440 sqm
Lighting Design Team: Stephanie Vinueza, Emily Riedel, Chinatsu Kajiya, and Hunglya Suminto
-This lighting design project was part of the Master's Architectural Lighting Design program at Hochschule Wismar.

The Nexus Salaya Church project involves the lighting design for a planned construction of a Protestant church in Bangkok, Thailand, which has already been designed by an architect. It aims to establish a serene environment conducive to prayer while incorporating multifunctional spaces for learning and community events. 

Our scope included all the interior and exterior areas of the Church, as well as the Rabbit Café within the church complex. The lighting concept ¨The Path to Glory¨seamlessly integrates with the "Arquitectura Parlante" of the building, drawing inspiration from the crown of thorns and the Jacob's ladder story.

The design includes general lighting, accent lighting, and task lighting, complemented by subtle highlights along hallways and entrance paths to ensure safe circulation. Additionally, we integrated daylight control elements to address the weather and sun conditions prevalent in Bangkok. 

Finally, taking into account all of these aspects, our objective was to create diverse atmospheres through the use of dimmable LED lighting, enabling adaptation to worship services and other activities.

© The content of this work is the intellectual property of Stephanie Alexandra Vinueza Robalino and the already mentioned lighting design team. All rights reserved. Its total or partial reproduction, public communication or distribution is prohibited without the prior authorization of the owner of the rights.
Nexus Salaya Church

Nexus Salaya Church


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