RESOL is a platform that offers music videos, concerts, podcasts, workshops, and more, fostering a community where individuals come together for solace, particularly supporting young people in the early stages of depression.

Concept: The Evolution of Sound - Emotional Flexibility

The continuous movement of notes traversing musical scales to create melodies mirrors the human emotional spectrum. Human emotions, like melodies, do not linger in a singular state indefinitely. There's hope in the mental transition, belief in positivity, and a pursuit of a happy life.

Color: Orange and Blue are the two primary colors representing the extremes of emotions, while the other colors complement and complete the emotional landscape.

RESOL Typeface: A variable typeface representing a diverse range of emotional states.

Visualize: Amidst tumultuous emotions lies a focal point, a tranquil oasis.

Concept & Design by Tung Tap Tenh

Thank you!

RESOL | Branding


RESOL | Branding
