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Little Women Dust Jacket

For this assignment, I designed and produced a dust jacket cover for Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women," originally published in 1868. My approach was to create a collage depicting a dress made from pages of the book, symbolizing the femininity and aspirations of the women in the story. This choice was inspired by the prominent theme of women's roles and independence throughout the novel.

"Little Women" follows the story of the March sisters, particularly Jo, as they navigate the balance between familial duty and personal growth. The novel emphasizes the importance of authenticity, family values, and the courage to pursue one's aspirations despite societal expectations. It challenges traditional gender roles by portraying the March women as capable and independent, capable of managing their household even in the absence of a man.

The dust jacket includes all the essential details typically found on a book cover, such as an ISBN, barcode, pricing information, and publisher details, all of which were purposefully included. The turquoise color scheme was inspired by a symbol in the book—Aunt March's gift of a turquoise ring to Jo. Additionally, elements like the feather pen, ink, and book on the inside flap were inspired by Jo's aspirations of becoming a writer. The flowers featured on the end pages reflect the sisters' use of flowers as adornments, a symbol of their creativity and resourcefulness in the face of limited means.

My goal for this project was to create a cover that not only visually appealed to viewers but also effectively conveyed the themes and essence of "Little Women."
Little Women Dust Jacket

Little Women Dust Jacket
