Hello and welcome!

If you portalled here (wink!) from the “breadcrumbs” I left for you to find, thank you!
Your support means a hell of a lot to me and I hope you’ll come again into K’ung’s world, affectionately dubbed “The Veld Fantastic”, for the next adventure.

Now for those that might’ve clicked here by chance, let me explain:

K’ung: Lost in Translation is a graphic novel written and drawn by me. It’s a story that I’ve work on, on and off, for twenty years and this page explores the evolution of the art. A kind of “behind the scenes” with some insights and comments from me.

So if you like this sort of thing then check in again from time to time for new updates and a surprise or two…

This is the original first page drawn in 2004, my colouring technique has changed a lot over the years. I come from a 3D animation background and back then I used to play around a lot with textures from photos I'd snap feverishly as "reference".

But never mind the colours, I can hear you all asking: What the hell happened to K'ung's? face?!
I'll get to that when I post the next page ;)

In the meantime, come find me on instagram and let me know what you thought of the book!




Creative Fields