Launch Assets
Relaunched in 2022, the ES8 is NIO's flagship SUV. It was the first production car ever produced by NIO and the stakes were high for its upgrade. Its new Interior enabled several versatile options with comfort and class.

I was lucky to lead the development of the launch film, animations, still photography, VIS graphic design and overall creative direction with the help of incredibly talented (and resilient!) global vendors. 
Launch film shot in beautiful Cape Town with the help of our friends at Stink!
The campaign imagery have been created with a blend of photography and CGI by the talented friends at INK.
The studio stills and animations were developed in Full CGI with the incredible folks at The Scope
And my favorite part of this project, a beautiful tech animation created with our friends at Brickland. A full CGI film that truly shows the benefit the user gets behind the tech. 
Besides all the CG and art direction that goes into developing assets for a car launch, the most fun part is when it all comes together in a cohesive visual identity. Each car had its own VIS, informed by the same creative idea behind the assets, resulting in a holistic and strong identity.


