Celo Thrift App
The application follows a simple/minimalistic approach that allows users to create a thrift service among peers on the Celo Blockchain Network. Thrift services are contributing agreement between group of persons to save a certain amount of money at a set period. 

The interface includes services such:
------------------- Creating a thrift group
------------------- Joining an existing thrift group
------------------- Starting the thrift round
------------------- Staking the agreed amount
------------------- An automatic check to see that all the members have contributed 
------------------- Repeating the thrift round
------------------- Ending the thrift round

This is a minimalist and simple interface with the most basic needs to get the app working (aka the MVP). it can be expanded and developed to better taste.
Touchpoint One: Joining a thrift club and starting round.
Touchpoint Two: staking and ending round.
Thank you. Please feel free to drop me a feedback and suggestion. Also, I'm open to UX and UI design roles including collaborations and other such engagements.
Celo Thrift


Celo Thrift
