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Human Sufferance - An Accordion Book

An accordion book about the human need to matter, to be something
greater than what we are. To be of relevance in a universe filled with
gas burning stars and planet sucking blackholes. To believe that in this
tiny corner of this ever expanding universe full of darkness and dread
we are not void but a miracle.


Bleeding from wounds so gaping
People have started calling them mouths
Mouths so foul even flowers wilt at sight
I’ve seen people around me
Salivate for purpose,
I’ve seen their bloodshot eyes
Their bony fingers
I’ve told them how beautiful it is
To be so stark
And they have looked up at me with their bloodshot eyes shining,
Tremors running through their body
[The language of desperation,
I can read it well]
And they have thanked me.

- Kavisha Pagaria
It's about the minuteness of human existence, the pure coincidence that we exist and how
that affects us. All our lives we search for our purpose, a reason to validate our existence. We look for
it in our jobs, our everyday routines, our loved ones and when all of that doesn't give us enough assurance we
turn to writers, poets; people who have immortalized this alienating feeling and many others. We look for
ourselves in their words, we find assurance in not being the only one to feel this way.

Raw Infrared Pictures
This book is a poetic symbolism of humanity's struggle to accept the unknown, of being so transient; 
that one moment we're here and the next, 
we're not.
Human Sufferance - An Accordion Book

Human Sufferance - An Accordion Book
