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The Human Element in AI Cybersecurity: A Conversation

The Human Element in AI Cybersecurity: A Conversation with Igor Borovikov
In this digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity has now become critical for keeping our online world, and even the real one, safe. Igor Borovikov, Founder of global technology and cybersecurity solutions provider Noventiq, shares his perspective on the essential role of human expertise in enhancing AI’s effectiveness in cybersecurity.

The Value of Human Insight

AI in cybersecurity now uses computer systems that can learn and make decisions for humans, in order to protect us against digital threats. These systems can analyze vast amounts of data quickly, identify potential risks, and prevent or mitigate cyber attacks. But while the power of AI is undeniable, Borovikov knows that technology alone is not the silver bullet.

Borovikov believes that the human element still remains irreplaceable. “Humans bring understanding, creativity, and ethical judgment to cybersecurity, qualities that AI cannot replicate. Although AI can identify the patterns and respond to the threats,” Borovikov explains, “Humans are the only ones who understand the context, create unique solutions to solve the problem, and make the important ethical decisions.”

Training the Next Generation

A significant part of integrating the human element with AI, according to Borovikov, is education and training. “We need to prepare our workforce to work alongside AI,” he states. This preparation involves training cybersecurity professionals not just in technical skills but also in critical thinking, ethical considerations, and adaptive strategies to stay ahead of cybercriminals.

Educating the general public about the risks of cyber threats and the importance of safe online practices is also crucial. “Everyone has a part to play in cybersecurity,” he reminds us, pointing out that the most sophisticated AI and human experts can only do so much if individuals and organizations don’t take basic precautions to protect themselves online.

The Challenge of Keeping Up

One of the biggest challenges in cybersecurity, as Borovikov points out, is the pace of change. Cyber threats evolve rapidly, and AI systems must be continuously updated to keep up. However, this is another area where the human element plays a critical role. “Humans can anticipate changes, adapt strategies, and update AI systems to respond to new threats,” Borovikov notes, emphasizing the dynamic nature of cybersecurity defense.
Borovikov shares how Noventiq balances AI and human expertise in its cybersecurity operations: “AI-driven systems might detect unusual activity on a network, which human analysts then investigate to determine if it’s a genuine threat or a false alarm. With this approach, decisions are made with both the efficiency of AI and the nuanced understanding of human experts”.

Looking to the Future

As for the future, Igor Borovikov envisions a world where AI and humans work even more closely in cybersecurity, with advancements in AI technology providing even more powerful tools for humans to use. However, he also warns of the importance of maintaining control over these technologies. “We must ensure that as AI becomes more integrated into our security efforts, we don’t lose sight of the human values that guide our decisions,” he says.

While AI offers incredible potential in cybersecurity, the human element is what truly makes these technologies effective, ethical, and adaptable. By combining the strengths of both, and continuously educating and preparing the workforce for the challenges ahead, we can hope to stay one step ahead of cyber threats. In Borovikov’s perspective, the future of cybersecurity is not just about machines fighting machines but about how humans can harness these tools to create a safer digital world for everyone.
The Human Element in AI Cybersecurity: A Conversation

The Human Element in AI Cybersecurity: A Conversation
