Emma Plimmer's profile


For the front cover I wanted to use the picture I took of my Grandad's front door as I though it would make the perfect cover as it suggests that we're entering the book as we are entering his house. The colour tones of the first image also lay out what the aesthetic and the colour palette of what the rest of the photobook will look like. I also like the sort of forced perspective that the image creates with the composition of the hallway which creates an interesting image that will draw the reader in. I also felt that adding a title page gave the photobook some structure and reinforced the title. For me, one of the most significant images out of the photobook is the image I chose for the first page and that is why I placed it first. The importance of the image is also reinforced by the text alongside it as well as it taking up the entire page and being the only image on the spread. I made sure to make the text smaller and a little bit away from the image so that it didn't take away from it. However, in my next draft I don't think I want to include any words on the pages to make sure the entire focus is on the page with the picture.
To keep it interesting I made sure to experiment a lot with the layouts of the spreads and pairings of the images. I think keeping the monochromatic images on separate spreads to the warm toned images keeps it more fluent and makes more sense than placing them sporadically throughout the photobook. These two spreads do work well but I think I would still like to get rid of the writing on the first spread.
The spread on the left works really well as the framing of the flowers being in the centre of a wider shot and then the image being placed over two pages looks really good and I would definitely like to keep it in my further drafts and possibly my final outcome. The images on the spread o the right also works really well as they are both taken from further away they both compliment each other and with the similar framing of the dominant focus being in the centre of the image.
The transition to the images that are taken outside is really smooth as it starts with an image that is taken of the outside from inside the house across a double page, and then moves into the images taken outside which creates a very seamless effect. The images on the spread on the right follow a slightly cooler tone which is also seamlessly transitioned to with the use of the monochromatic image placed just before that. I like this and I think I would like to keep it in my next draft as I think it does work well.
For the back cover I used the same image as the front cover but in black and white which I think created a vey symbolic effect which I liked and created a sort of circular structure to the photobook.
From this draft I like the photos used, however I don't think I like the random mix of black and white images as well as coloured images. Although I do like many of the image placements on the page, and I think that the colour picture of the front door works well as the front cover. In my other drafts I would like to change around some of the black and white images. In my next draft I would also like to try using a solid colour as the back page, rather than another photo. As well as this, I would also like to try including a page at either the beginning or end with a little bit of information about the project and what it means to me.



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