Intervenções gráficas no cenário da peça “Thom Pain-Lady Grey”, de Will Eno, com direção de Felipe Hirsch e cenografia de Daniela Thomas, com Guilherme Weber e Fernanda Farah.

Imagens e palavras, cuidadosamente pinçadas do texto de Will Eno, ilustram o cenário da peça – dois grandes quadros-negros, que formam o ambiente dos dois personagens, refletindo algumas de suas convicções, suas histórias, suas dúvidas.

fotos de Carol Sachs


Graphic interventions for Will Eno's play "Thom Pain - Lady Grey", directed by Felipe Hirsch, with scenography by Daniela Thomas, and Guilherme Weber and Fernanda Farah playing the main roles.

Images and words, carefully chosen from Will Eno's text, illustrate the play scenery - two hung black boards that define the two characters worlds, reflecting some of their convictions, theirs stories, theirs doubts.

Photos by Carol Sachs

Thom Pain / Lady Grey

Thom Pain / Lady Grey

Graphic interventions on Will Eno's "Thom Pain - Lady Grey" setting. Theatre play directed by Felipe Hirsch, with scenography by Daniela Thomas, Read More
