UC Berkeley WarnMe

Chloe Situ

The Problem 🚨

WarnMe serves as the primary campus safety communication system at Cal. However, recent events and feedbacks from students show its inefficiency and unreliable side. It indicates that WarnMe is in need of updates. So…

"How might we enhance the WarnMe alert system to ensure it delivers timely, reliable, and accessible alerts to Cal students?​​​​​​​"

User Research 🔬

We gather opinions from Cal students through survey responses & interviews to identify areas for improvement and here’s what we found…

1. Students were dissatisfied with WarnMe’s sole reliance on email notifications📧.

2. Many students felt unprepared when involves in dangerous situation.

3. Students get frustrated by the overload of information and excessive text in the 

4. Students dislike with the delay of alerts, especially related to something urgent.

5. Students are mad about vague & unclear context of the alert, it brought them confusion instead of clarity.

User Persona🧍‍♀️🧍
*Credit to group 10 midterm project

Journey Map 🚗


               Divergent                                                 Convergent

Based off user research and user personas, my ideation process was starting from their pain points, frustration. Then listed the potential solutions that I can think of. I then sorted the ideas into four categories. After that, I made a matrix in terms of impact and cost to compare each ideas.

Low Fidelity Prototype ✍️

Initially, I chose two ideas, one with the dynamic map🗺️, one with campus crime data sources📊 & feedback mechanism 👩‍💻 on a website, I thought both ideas in some way could improve the reliability & effectiveness of WarnMe.​​​​​​​

Mid Fidelity Prototype 📝

I chose to proceed with the dynamic map idea since the effect will be more direct and great for students to utilize it. I started to lay out a rough process of how students would experience the updated system from A to Z. 
*Note: I was planning to make an app to incorporate all the features I want but considered the potential issue of internet connection and all that, I decided to go with having them set up on Cal Central.​​​​​​​

Usability Testing Insights 🔍

1. User satisfied 😁 the esay communication of the new updated version of WarnMe alert and satisfied with the clear, concise wording. 

2. User asked for more features 💻 added to the map and cal central setting.

3. User would like to see extra safety resources 🦺 that he can get from the alert.

4. User felt anxious 😐 when there is no welcome message.

Final Product 📑

What's New (version 2.0):

- Added language setting on Cal Central
- Added welcome message
- Added real-time events icon on the map for better visual purpose
- Added information pop-ups on the icons
- Allowed users to type in letter or key words to obtain corresponding information

*Note: it contains three stages

Thank you for reading!!!☀️


