Brand Identity


The Ecomove brand is entering the market to redefine urban mobility with a view to a more sustainable and technological future. Its mission is to transform the way people move around cities, offering solutions that combine practicality, efficiency and environmental awareness.

We developed a versatile visual identity using a combination of colors, shapes and typography that enrich the brand's youthful, urban and conscious tone of voice. The use of 8 circles in the logo reinforces the brand's concept of community and movement.



A marca Ecomove entra no mercado para redefinir a mobilidade urbana visando um futuro mais sustentável e tecnológico. Sua missão é transformar a maneira como as pessoas se deslocam nas cidades, oferecendo soluções que combinam praticidade, eficiência e consciência ambiental. 

Desenvolvemos uma identidade visual versátil utilizando uma combinação entre cores, formas e tipografia que enriquecem o tom de voz jovial, urbano e consciente da marca. O uso dos 8 círculos no logo reforça o conceito de comunidade e movimento da marca.

Thanks for watching!

Brand voice | Design | Motion - Elnatan Sousa

This project was developed
for participation in a design competition (ID-Job)
organized by Marcelo Kimura.



The Ecomove brand is entering the market to redefine urban mobility with a view to a more sustainable and technological future. Its mission is to Read More
