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Week 6- Photography Basics

Knowing that photo editing is not my strong point, I found the most sparkly things I owned to photograph to compensate for this. The first few images I played around with focus and shutter speed. I found the shutter speed the most interesting to experiment with. Discovering that shutter speed was the reason behind the out of focus sparkles was the best bit - I will defintely explore this further. 
I'm not sure what provoked me to start taking pictures of my laptop, but I'm quite happy that I did. I was playing around with angles and the lighting at the time of day. The texture on the sofa adds something extra to the image, and the perspective on the keyboard draws attention to the horizon line and the sunlight. There is also a kind of haziness about the lighting that means you can tell it was taken on a calm, bright afternoon heading into twilight. 
As a starting point for some experimentation I found a bauble and began spinning it in front of the camera. This really didnt cause any unexpected results, so I used an LED lamp and placed it directly in front of the bauble, this gave me a light source to work with that I could control. Lowering the shutter speed meant that only the brightest and most vibrant parts of the bauble were captured.  
Messing around with some apperture and some cute ducks. 
Changing the apperture and the angle of the reflective lighting.
Week 6- Photography Basics

Week 6- Photography Basics

A play around with shutter speed, ISO and some sparkles.
