Motion Dreams
A visual speech from Alan Watts

Alan Watts was a British writer, philosopher and speaker that played a crucial role in bringing Eastern philosophies into the Western thought. He has become a key figure in the ways of modern society, exploring themes of self, reality, and the nature of existence.

The Dream of Life is one of Watts's most powerful and motivational speeches of all times. In it, he presents the idea of life being a grand illusion, in which we get to choose how to live our own adventure. 

We decided to take on this historic speech as an inspiration to get through the tough times we all seem to be facing. Inspired on the whimsical and dreamlike qualities of Surrealism, we have brought this speech into an immersive, animated experience, to truly captivate its essence and share a message of hope.

We took this original audio and selected some of the most impactful phrases to create a condensed version of it. We set up the scene in a surreal setting, with checkered floor moving towards the screen. As the speech plays in the background, this scene slowly shifts into waves and organic shapes that at some point collide into the center. Eventually, an eyeball appears, looking around the immensity of space. Slowly, in the pupil, revolving clock hands begin to appear, as the eyeball comes closer and closer. The camera then passes through the pupil and ends up somewhere (sometime?) in the space-time continuum. Again, elements begin to shift until there is nothing left to look at

We later pulled in these compositions into an ai powered program, accompanied by some of Alan Watt 's The Dream Of Life phrases. We generated several of the motion graphic sequence frames that we would later animate into a full video.

Motion Dreams


Motion Dreams
