Brianna Anderson's profile

IXD Project 3: Food Service App

Project 3: Food Service App
About the Project
For this project I had to create a proposal and mobile app prototype for a Grocery, Meals, or Recipe App to be funded by a Fortune 500 grocery retailer. I utilized the Persona as a UX/UI Research Method to help guide my design decisions and brand style.
Use "offline", in-person group discussion as a brainstorming method.
Create a Persona as a UX/UI design strategy.  
Use Figma to create a presentation (16:9 slide format).
Use Figma for mobile app design, use basic prototyping when needed. 
Look at mobile app designs in a similar vertical or market space. Create a competitor analysis.
Think and create. Think "offline." Create "online." 
The bare bones:
When doing research about the app, in a group setting we were given generalized information about a group of individuals and what issues they may have with preparing meals for their family or themselves. From there we took the important details and created a persona specific to the group we were set into. 
After creating our personalized persona, we separated to create our own apps and the first thing was to create a mood board that will fit the aesthetic of what we are trying to create for the future user. Along with making mood boards we had to do study of other apps that would be similar to what ours would be categorized as. 
My Idea:

I wanted to create a food delivery app with the qualities of being able to look at various recipes before ordering meals, adding and ordering meals specialized to the preferences the customer picks, and planning what meals would be eaten throughout the specified day. For the app itself, I wanted something that is family-friendly but has a clean and fresh look. The naming process also tied in with the clean and fresh theme as well. I was stuck between a few names but settled with a name that is an acronym. FIG, which stands for Future in Goods.
FIG walkthrough
Process sketches:
Screen stills of app:
IXD Project 3: Food Service App


IXD Project 3: Food Service App
