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Indahouse|Compact Dream

當建築的輪廓遇上富含詩意的生活規劃,七坪空間轉化為一場關於品味、感知與想像的不朽篇章 —— 方寸之間,盡是美學與功能的深思熟慮。


A compact 23-square-meter area is transformed into an enduring showcase of taste, perception, and imagination, meticulously blending aesthetics and utility in every detail.

Expertly crafted, the designer infuses this small space with movement and dimension through sleek curves and smart mezzanine architecture. Rough-hewn stone and soft wood textures are balanced by neutral wall tones, enhancing the space’s tactile and emotional appeal while showcasing its elegant functionality. Dwelling here is to experience a kaleidoscope of life’s hues, each day a rich sensory journey. Even within its minimalist confines, this space cultivates a diversity of living experiences. → more story on HeyCheese.com
Indahouse|Compact Dream