Exam plan:
My overall plan for the exam is to experiment with different outcomes and create the final outcomes using the images I have created. For the final pieces I will be printing multiple triptych and diptych images onto professional photo paper. I wanted to create some cyanotype prints as they have been successful perviously, and use these as part of the triptych and diptych presentations.
Day 1
For the first day of the 15hr exam I plan to experiment with cyanotype and acetate prints. I will print multiple different images onto acetate once they have been turned black and white and inverted. Once the paper has been coated in the cyanotype solution i will place the acetate on top and leave the prints to expose in the UV light tent. I also need to write up the process and discuss the previous attempts at the cyanotype process. I plan to research more into the cyanotype process and find more artists that have used a similar process to what I am trying to achieve.
Day 2
For the second day of the exam I plan to continue with the cyanotype prints and redo any of the processes if they were unsuccessful. In this time I also plan to start experimenting with different printing options and start to make mock ups of the final designs of the triptych and diptych images for printing. 
An artist that has used triptych and diptych images is Valérie Six. Her images are bold and stand out as well as working together to create a successful sequence of similar images. With my images I want to experiment with both colour and black and white sequences and compare which outcome looks better.
Day 3
For the third day I plan to continue with creating the final outcomes of the project using photoshop and other software on the computer. I will send the final images to print in college on the professional photo paper.
During this day I also want to experiment with a concertina photobook using a sequence of images with different effects such as inverted, black and white and colour. These books are simple to create using a template on photoshop. 
Exam plan

Exam plan


Creative Fields