Cover for sci-fi novel 
Stories Of Your Life
Ted Chiang
A project inspired by Ted Chiang's book “The Story of Your Life”. 
Each illustration in this project is an attempt to visualize not only the plot events, but also the inner world of the characters, their feelings, thoughts and relationships. 

I emphasized the mother-daughter storyline rather than working with Heptapods. I hope these illustrations will help viewers see the book in a new light.​​​​​​​

Through the images I strive to convey to the viewer the philosophical ideas of the book: about choice, the importance of every moment in our lives and the unbreakable bond between mother and daughter.

In this series, I also aimed to use different types of narrative, from linear narrative to comic book page or illustration with double exposure.
Each illustration is a collage of multiple images taken in Midjourney and edited in Photoshop.
Thanks for watching!
Sci-fi Book Cover

Sci-fi Book Cover
