Parks and Rec Commentary
An Ode to Donna Meagle
Donna Meagle is a main character in the popular sitcom Parks and Recreation, created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur. Most notable on the show for being high maintenance and having expensive taste; Donna quickly became an icon and fan favorite on the show. Donna's extravagant lifestyle is reflected in her key episodes like "Animal Control" in season five where she is spotted in the Pawnee Smoke Club surrounded by strangers. This lifestyle is further shown by her love for her Mercedes Benz as we see in the episode where the Parks crew goes on their annual hunting trip. Donna's concern for her car over Ron's injury earned a memorable moment for the queen herself. ​​​​​​​

Alternate to her high-maintenance lifestyle, Donna Meagle proves to be one of the most thoughtful members of the show. When Donna and Tom have their annual treat yo' self-day she convinces Tom to let Ben join them when they see him sitting on a bench alone. She then convinces Ben to treat himself which results in Ben buying his iconic Batman outfit. When everyone makes fun of Jerry, Donna while she goes along with the rest most of the time, we see her stand up for him in her own ways. In the episode "Ron and Diane" we see Donna stand up for Jerry by not letting her friends into Jerry's dinner party after they realized that they had been filtering his email invites and actively ditched him to go to their own dinner. In the final season, we get another glimpse of Donna's selfless side in the episode "Donna and Joe" where she purposefully places Jerry's real name as his placeholder at the table tricking their friends into calling him by his real name Gary.

Overall, we could all do to be more like the queen Donna. Everyone deserves to treat themselves on occasion just like Donna does. Donna quickly became an icon because she knew who she was and didn't forget what she was worth. Even though her selfless acts were oftentimes subtle Donna proves that no good deed goes unpunished. No matter how small her acts were Donna never fought for attention and always received credit in some form. Just as Donna is loyal to her friends and knows what's important to her, we can all take a page from Donna's book and treat ourselves so that we can live our best life possible. Let's be honest, Donna spends the whole series chasing after what she wants while living life the way she wants but is willing to take the advice of those she respects. When working around her future husband Joe she informs Ron that he makes her someone she doesn't want to be. Upon getting to know Joe himself Ron then advises Donna that she should talk to Joe because he is a good person who makes her want to be better. Joe doesn't force Donna to change and after a conversation, they come to a conclusion to figure out boundaries and eventually get married. Donna is an example of selflessness, self-care, and healthy relationships even if on the surface she appears to be carefree and high-maintenance. Like many characters in beloved sitcoms, especially those in Parks and Rec, Donna has more than one layer. From those layers, we can learn to love ourselves and live happy, healthy lives.
5 Best Side Characters
Parks and Rec has an all-star cast with memorable characters like Leslie Knope played by Amy Poehler, Ron Swanson played by Nick Offerman, and of course Chris Pratt's character the lovable Andy Dwyer. Each lead character has an integral role in the cast bringing the show together. However, the town of Pawnee wouldn't be complete without the loveable and sometimes questionable background characters. In no particular order here are the top 5 best side characters of the Parks and Rec family.

Dr. Richard Nygard:
Although he is never seen Dr. Richard Nygard is a renowned therapist mentioned several times throughout the show. He is mentioned in high regard by Chris Traeger who then connects with multiple others after finding out they go to the same therapist such as in the episode "Animal Control" when Chris, Leslie, and April are interviewing candidates for the animal control department. While interviewing one of the candidates she is asked why she is applying for the job to which she responds, "My therapist, Dr. Richard Nygard, told me to face my fears." To which Chris enthusiastically asks her to sign his injured foot. Other characters reference therapy sessions with Dr. Richard Nygard who is always referenced by his full name and does seem to aid in character arcs like Craig Middlebrooks.

"My therapist, Dr. Richard Nygard, who I see 15 times a week" ~Chris Traeger~

Shawna Malwae-Tweep:
The news reporters of Pawnee play a large part in the plot of whatever quest Leslie is on at any given time. One of these memorable reporters is the one and only Shawna Malwae-Tweep. Shawna is portrayed as a single woman who mostly has her life together. Despite having what appears to be a successful writing career, even with Leslie constantly giving her ridiculous headlines for their interviews, Shawna's biggest roadblock on the show is her near-constant singleness. This singleness leads to larger issues of self-esteem. Each time she is close to love something happens and she is back to being single. That is until the final episode where she meets Paul Rudd's character, Bobby Newport, and the two fall in love giving these loveable background characters a happy ending.

"I am writing a memoir based on my blog. It's called Tweeping Up Appearances and it's about my journey to find happiness by smiling through the pain" ~Shawna Malwea-Tweep~

Lil' Sebastian:
Making his debut at the Pawnee Harvest Festival in season three Lil' Sebastian captured the town's hearts and the love of the fans. Lil' Sebastian is a miniature horse that for unspecified reasons is a famous horse in the town of Pawnee. This character is so beloved we even see the stoic Ron Swanson outwardly express his excitement for Lil' Sebastian. Although making his appearance only a few times Lil' Sebastian became an icon for this show that everyone loves. That is except Ben Wyatt whose biggest flaw is not understanding the love for Lil' Sebastian.

"I have cried twice in my life. Once when I was seven and hit by a school bus. And then again when I heard that Lil' Sebastian had passed" ~Ron Swanson~

Perd Hapley:
'Ya Heard With Perd' is one of Pawnee's news channels with its memorable host Perd Hapley. Perd makes an appearance quite a bit throughout the show and is most remembered for his speaking cadence and his awkwardness. Always talking around the point Perd creates a permanent spot in our favorite side characters on the show with his words all over the place and even has devoted fans in Pawnee to whom he refers as Perd-verts.

"There is a thing such as journalistic integrity. Which I have as a journalist" ~Perd Hapley~

The Saperstein's:
Some of the best, and worst, characters in the show all share one thing. The last name Saperstein. The iconic family consisting of Dr. Saperstein and his two children John-Ralphio and Mona Lisa make many memorable appearances throughout the show's run. John-Ralphio makes his appearance and is Tom Haverford's best friend despite his terrible personality. Later in the series John-Ralphio's sister Mona Lisa is introduced and is somehow even worse than her brother with her constant demands and frequent outbursts. Despite all this we see Tom and Mona Lisa date for a few episodes in a very unhealthy relationship. This iconic sibling duo wouldn't be complete without their father Dr. Saperstein. After lying to their father about how Tom treated them, Dr. Saperstein anonymously buys out Tom's business while simultaneously being the OBGYN for Ann and Chris. 

"I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life" ~Mona Lisa Saperstein~
"I made my money the old-fashioned way. I got ran over by a Lexus" ~John-Ralphio Saperstein~
The Importance of Treating Yo'self
This is a self-made holiday celebrated by the two friends. It's a day dedicated to spoiling oneself on the finest goods your heart desires. Whether it be food, clothes, or even a Batman costume. This holiday is celebrated by the two every year.

While the day seems a little ridiculous at first upon further investigation it's easy to come across a simple truth; everyone truly deserves to treat themselves. In a world divided by thoughts and opinions, it's easy to feel down and forget to take care of ourselves. While there are many ways to take care of ourselves one thing that's easily forgotten is frivolous spending.

That being said this doesn't mean you need to or should spend money willy-nilly every time you are at the store. You still need to make sure your basic needs are taken care of but it's okay if now and then you splurge a little and buy that candy bar you really want while grocery shopping. Once a month take time for yourself and buy that silly thing you want whether it be new stickers for your laptop, a brand-new water bottle, or a few new books. If you, like many others, struggle to find time or reason to treat yo'self then allow yourself time to treat yo'self on your birthday; this is the one day a year when it's okay to be focused on yourself. You've survived this crazy world one more year so treat yo'self. 

If your struggle is knowing how to treat yo'self think about your hobbies and interests. Is there one restaurant you've wanted to try forever? Treat yo'self! So you just want a few hours to yourself to drive and jam to your favorite tunes? Treat yo'self! Want a reason to buy that outfit you've been eyeing for months? You know the one. Treat yo'self! Needless to say, there are a million and one ways to treat yo'self, be extravagant like Tom and Donna or a little more low-key and treat yourself how I imagine Ron Swanson would; sitting in quiet enjoying your favorite beverage.

While it doesn't have to be every day it is important to take the time to treat yo'self on occasion. Step away from your worries and splurge.

Here are some of my favorite websites to treat myself to (no official affiliation):
Wedding Bells & Couple Goals
Weddings are seen as one of the biggest days of a person's life. Movies and TV shows often celebrate weddings in big extravagant ways that always turn out perfect. In sitcoms weddings never go as planned, in New Girl Jess and Nick's wedding ends up happening in a hospital with Jess having a damaged eye; in Brooklyn 99 Jake and Amy’s wedding is halted due to a bomb threat. Parks and Rec is no exception to quirky and unexpected weddings, today let’s review every on-screen wedding in the show.

April & Andy:

At the start of the series, we are introduced to Andy Dwyer, who was a catalyst for the whole gang coming together. Andy had fallen into a dirt pit breaking both of his legs, as a result, Ann, his girlfriend at the time, complained to the parks department, and filling the pit became a major goal of Leslie’s throughout the series.

April Ludgate is a college intern at the parks department who is dating her friend and his boyfriend at the start of the series. However, she soon develops a crush on Andy, and after his breakup with Ann, reciprocates the feelings. After some miscommunication, the two get together and get married. While this couple is a fan favorite their wedding seemingly came out of nowhere. In April and Andy’s Fancy Party we see the two throwing a house party that turns into their wedding.

In true sitcom style, this wedding fits the couple perfectly and is a little less than what one thinks of when it comes to traditional weddings. Andy wears his favorite football player's jersey and April wears a simple white dress. By the end of the series, fans are thrilled to see how Andy went from the shoeshine guy to successfully starring in his own TV show. We get to see April chase after her dreams, realize they have changed, and become a successful wife and in the very end a mother.

“I guess I kind of hate most things. But I never really seemed to hate you.” ~April Ludgate-Dwyer~

Leslie & Ben:

Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt are two best friends who love each other deeply. While their relationship had a rocky start with Ben coming to Pawnee and shutting down the government, much to Leslie’s dismay, the two become good friends. Once the two start dating they are forced to keep it a secret due to Ben being Leslie’s boss, this leads to an ethics hearing and Ben sacrificing his job so Leslie can keep hers.

After watching the couple support and comfort each other through many decisions, most of them career-related, fans are excited to see the two get married. Planning to have the wedding after a benefit gala; their plans are ruined by Jeremy Jamm, a constant thorn in Leslie’s side, who releases a stink bomb at the wedding. After chaos ensues the Parks gang puts together a wedding beautiful enough to make anyone shed a tear.

While not the traditional wedding one would expect it reinforces the idea that being surrounded by those you love is the most important thing on your wedding day. This couple also reminds us all that while loving your partner is important, liking them is needed to maintain your friendship.

“You’re all I need. I love you and I like you.” ~Leslie Knope~

Ron & Diane

Ron Swanson is a man who comes off as cold and distant. After three failed marriages, two to the same wife, we see Ron hesitant to enter a relationship with single mom Diane Lewis. The two meet when Ron fixes a pothole in front of her driveway. Although Ron isn’t too keen on dating her at first, he warms up to her and her kids. The fans see Ron's love for Diane when he lets her in on his secret music persona, Duke Silver.

Ron quickly proposes after Diane tells him she’s pregnant. To no surprise, Diane says yes and the two agree they don’t want a big fancy wedding and decide to go straight to the fourth floor to get married. The happy couple runs into Leslie and April who join their wedding party.

Ron and Diane are the perfect reminder that our love for someone can help us overcome our dislikes and sometimes our first love isn’t the love we have forever. It’s okay if it takes us a few times to get love right.

“If you'd like to visit Europe, I like you so much I'd be willing to risk it.” ~Ron Swanson~

Donna & Joe

Donna Meagle is a girl boss who knows her worth. Throughout the majority of the show, we see Donna remain single and very ready to mingle. This is until the end of season six where we see her get back with her ex-boyfriend Joe. Fans see Donna hesitant to rekindle this flame as she mentions to Ron, she becomes much tamer and more caring. Ron reminds her that it’s okay if our partner helps us change for the better and Donna gives Joe another chance.

Like most of Donna’s life, her relationship with Joe is kept private from the fans but we get to see the two engaged and their wedding memorable. In true Donna style, her wedding is extravagant and a party. She enjoys the wedding until her estranged brother crashes the reception. Between Donna and Joe fans see that being in love doesn’t mean running away from yourself.

“Together we can do anything” ~Donna Meagle~

Shawna & Bobby

Talk about a whirlwind romance. The marriage between Shawna and Bobby is one no one was expecting. In the producer's cut of the last episode, fans catch a glimpse of the two oddballs' future. Bobby and Shawna meet after Bobby comes across Shawna crying on a park bench after being left at the altar by her fiancé. Bobby offers Shawna gum which makes her laugh and five hours later we see the two getting married.
Although this wedding is a little out of the blue it reminds the audience that even though it might seem hopeless anyone can find love.

“I just want to give you gum forever” ~Bobby Newport~
Dynamic Duos
Parks and Rec had a highly popular cast. The show focuses on Leslie Knope and her co-workers. Her relationship with the other characters is carefully crafted throughout the series. From high to low energy the cast covers the whole spectrum between Ron and April to Leslie and Chris. The creators of the series portray each character as their unique self while demonstrating that despite differences everyone carries a strength that impacts the show. Here is a glimpse at some of the best dynamic duos in the show.

Leslie & Ron:

Leslie is an energetic overachiever in contrast to her stoic, no-nonsense boss Ron Swanson. Despite the major personality difference, these two become close friends, despite Ron trying to protest otherwise.

Leslie & Ann:

Leslie meets Ann after a town meeting where Ann complains about a pit next to her house. Leslie promises she will get it filled and she and Ann become fast friends. Ann is a great friend to Leslie who keeps her grounded when she gets a little crazy.

Leslie & April:

While April shows little emotion and has a defined dark side in the show, fans get to see her grow into a mature and successful woman. The dynamic between April and Leslie shows a more motherly side of Leslie (although still very passionate) while also showing a softer side of April.

Andy & Ben:

In a similar fashion to Leslie and April, these two men on the show have a very brotherly relationship. Ben gives Andy advice in ways that Andy understands while Andy helps Ben channel his inner child.

Tom & Donna:

These two characters are known for their exquisite friendship. On many occasions throughout the show we watch as these two boost each other’s egos. We even hear Tom admit he wishes the other guys in the show were Donna when they try finding a departing gift for Chris. Tom and Donna show the fans that having a friend that gets you can be a strong bond.

Ben & Chris:

These co-workers turned into best friends to save the show. Chris is a bubbly and uplifting guy with loads of energy and a desire to be the first man to live to one hundred. Ben is a soothing contrast with his level-headed state of mind and ability to crack down on his work when needed.

Ann & Chris:

While it’s a complicated path for these two their dynamic is one of maturity and understanding by the season finale. Ann and Chris go from making out at a bar to having a child together. Even after their awkward breakup, they are able to grow individually and become friends again.
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