Anvidicor :)'s profile

The Harlequin - Self Portrait

A series of self-portraits about identity and its dehumanization.

Identity is a card game, sometimes we win and get away with it, sometimes we lose and our ego is hurt, or we may cheat to get past others regardless of the consequences and pain.

With each victory and with each loss, our identity becomes dehumanized, we move away from the reality to pretend we are in this big play called life. But, suddenly, you may find yourself pretending for so long that it drives you crazy, desperate in order to find the way back to your truly self, the person that you were before faking everything. But you can't never leave the same way you came in. 

Some people get out, but others end up being the puppets while some are the puppeteers manipulating the identity, the reality of the other, wanting to control everything in their own way... or worse; you can become your own puppet.

Self-portraits series: "The Harlequin"
by Anvidicor
instagram: anvidicor
The Harlequin - Self Portrait


The Harlequin - Self Portrait
