
The main objective of the project is to connect consumers, freelancers, and businesses through a community, providing benefits such as discounts, loyalty cards, and simplified menus using digital technologies.

The main challenges are that the competition in the field of engagement apps is fierce, with several other platforms vying for users’ attention. Additionally, maintaining community engagement is crucial for ongoing success, as an active community adds value to the user experience. Negotiating with partner companies to offer advantageous deals is also a constant challenge.

We created a platform for customers to search for and access communities of their interest, allowing them to search on their own or navigate through recommendations for establishments, businesses, promotions, and products.

The functionalities created to achieve these product objectives include:

Group and Community Creation:​​​​​​​ Customers have the possibility to create their own communities.

Community Approval Platform:​​​​​​​ We designed the interface and approval flow for communities.

Promotion Creation: We developed the interface for establishments to create their promotions.

Menu Generator: We created the interface for establishments to design their menus and generate QR codes for display at their premises.
Prototyping & Testing:

The development of the Triibo app involved an iterative process of prototyping and testing to ensure that the functionalities met user needs. Here are the key steps of this process:

Field Research: Before starting prototyping, we conducted field research with restaurant owners, establishments, and event organizers. These interviews helped us understand the specific needs of these groups and identify opportunities to enhance the user experience.

Key questions included:

- What are the main challenges you face in attracting customers?

- How would you like to connect with people interested in your offerings?

- What features would be most useful to you in a meetup and event planning app?

User Journey Definition: Based on the collected information, we mapped the user journey in Triibo. This included stages such as:

- Discovery of establishments/events.

- Connection with interested groups.

- Event planning.

- Experience sharing.

Low-Fidelity Prototyping:

- We started with low-fidelity prototypes, sketching out main screens and flows. These prototypes were used to validate concepts and gather initial user feedback.

Tools like Figma and Adobe XD were used to create online prototypes, allowing real-time collaboration and quick adjustments.

User Testing:

- Usability tests were conducted with real users. They interacted with the prototypes, provided feedback, and identified areas for improvement.

- We observed how users navigated through screens, whether they found desired features, and if the experience was intuitive.

High-Fidelity Prototyping:

- Based on test insights, we refined the prototypes and created high-fidelity versions. These prototypes included visual details, interactions, and complete flows.

Hotjar Tracking:

- We implemented Hotjar to track prototype usage. This allowed us to understand how users interacted with screens, which areas were most accessed, and where potential obstacles existed..

Rapid Iterations:

- With validated prototypes, we began app development. An agile approach allowed us to release incremental versions, incorporating continuous user feedback. Each iteration adjusted features based on usage metrics and real user needs.
Benefit club


Benefit club
