nixie, a painter's profile

2024 sketchbooks and watercolor paintings.

This year has started on a rather slow note for me for various reasons, giving me more opportunity to unwind, to get some new real media.
This post is mostly dedicated to watercolor and ink pieces, an always welcome change from working with digital tools, but I also plan to do more traditional drawings as the summer goes on.
It's a cold and rainy spring, and the weather definitely imprints into what goes in my sketchbooks.
It rained a lot.
And it rained some more.
And it rained some more. It's windy and super cold today, almost half though the month of May. I feel fantastic.
Watercolor pencil on paper. I haven't posted those here yet, I think.
Watercolor pencils get a lot of flack for whatever reason, but I find the process itself to be so immersive and relaxing. Yes they take some time, and yes, it's faster to use real paint, but they feel SO nice.
Trees are my favorite subject ever.
My other favorite subject is everything drenched in rain.
Water soluble graphite; one of the media types I've never really used a lot before.
Another fantasy forest sketch in watercolor.
One more fantasy forest and some water under the bridge, and some rusty leaves, and warm autumn colours.
Watercolor and ink piece. The vibe I'm aiming for here is the summer school break... and I don't even miss my school years. I just like the relaxed mood it has.
⚜︎ Thank you for watching! ⚜︎ 
2024 sketchbooks and watercolor paintings.


2024 sketchbooks and watercolor paintings.
