GLXY: Establishing a Unified Employer Brand

Galaxy Group of Companies: Establishing a Unified Employer Brand
Project Title: Galaxy Group of Companies: Establishing a Unified Employer Brand
Date: March 2023
Capability: Employer Branding
Brand Archetype: Creator
Overview: Founded in 1999, Galaxy Group of Companies stands as a prominent conglomerate in Armenia, overseeing 15 diverse enterprises across various sectors, all unified under a single pool of talent.

The Challenge: Creating a unified employer brand for the entire group while ensuring it enhances the individual identities of each company within it posed a significant challenge. The solution required developing a comprehensive visual and verbal communication framework that could accommodate the unique attributes of each of the 15 brands.

The Solution: Extensive research, including employee engagement surveys involving 2,500 employees, formed the foundation of the solution. A unified employer brand was meticulously crafted, accompanied by a long-term strategy that mapped out the employee journey, highlighting all interactions and touchpoints.
A tangible solution came in the form of unified onboarding packages featuring carefully curated items, packaged sustainably.

The Reception: The intervention yielded higher NPS scores in the Employee Engagement Survey. Galaxy Group of Companies was recognized as one of the top employers in Armenia, according to public opinion surveys.
GLXY: Establishing a Unified Employer Brand

GLXY: Establishing a Unified Employer Brand

The Challenge: Creating a unified employer brand for the entire group while ensuring it enhances the individual identities of each company within Read More
