- Pecha Kutcha - 
Just before starting the creation of my final pieces, we were tasked with giving a presentation to our peers in the form of a Pecha Kutcha. The idea of a Pecha kutcha is to be concise and learn to present under pressure, which I found quite a fun challenge!
Our Pecha Kuchas had to fit the 20x20 model of 20 slides of 20 seconds each; I felt that this was slightly too long and fast paces although a presentation of 15 slides of 30-40 seconds feels like it would be a great format to give presentations in future.
I really enjoyed the challenge of presenting under strict time constraints, as my whole project mantra was to be clear and concise. 
I think I did well under the extremely tight time constraints of creating the PowerPoint but there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. I wish that I had more time to work on my PowerPoint and make it visually more exciting as well as including some more notes for the audience. This would have helped keep my audience engaged instead of the PowerPoint being heavily reliant on my audience being fully tuned in to my improvised speaking.
FMP: Pecha Kucha

FMP: Pecha Kucha


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