GILBERT FANG's profile

Nu Skin Pop-Up Store

Nu Skin Pop-Up Store
As a global beauty brand, Nu Skin offers a wide range of products, including facial cleansing products and health foods. This time, Nu Skin hopes to let consumers feel that the brand not only focuses on external beauty care but also cares about consumers' internal health through a Pop-Up Store experience event. As the creative director of this event, I started with the concept that you can enjoy professional medical-grade beauty care at "home", hoping that consumers can understand through the event that Nu Skin is their best choice for easy maintenance at home. We created a concept of a home, and used the game room, living room, and bathroom as creative concepts to let consumers feel the fun of interaction and deeply understand the characteristics of each product.
法條依據來源〈 營業秘密法第2條 〉
 本法所稱營業秘密,係指方法、技術、製程、配方、程式、設計或其他可用於生產、銷售或經營之資訊,而符合左列要件:一、非一般涉及該類資訊之人所知者。二、因其 秘密性而具有實際或潛在之經濟價值者。三、所有人已採取合理之保密措施者。
Nu Skin Pop-Up Store


Nu Skin Pop-Up Store
